Anonymous ID: ef1133 Oct. 29, 2023, 7:21 p.m. No.19828092   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8108 >>8144 >>8148 >>8231 >>8458

How to shoot down leftist arguments about guns. Make these viral on social media.


  1. The “well regulated militia” argument. The left argues that only militias should have guns through deceptive language.


Counter: Research the Dick Act. It clarifies the definition to all adult citizens. This law exists due to a snafu during the Spanish American War. Basically makes ALL gun control illegal.


  1. The “only meant for muskets” argument. Lies about the nature of the constitution to try to ban anything that isn’t a musket.


Counter: The constitution was INTENDED as a living document. This logically means that as tech updates, militias update to not fall behind.


  1. The “assault weapon” argument. Uses vague and deceptive language to justify banning anything vaguely scary looking.


Counter: The correct definition of assault weapon is the one used by the military. Its a simple yes/no question for weapons designed to be used by 1 person. “Can 1 pull of the trigger reliably kill more than 1 person?”


Example of yes: Flamethrower, M16, grenade launcher, uzi. Example of no: AR15.


  1. The “what reason would anyone have to have that argument”. Uses emotion and feelings based argument to shame people into not having guns.


Counter: Self defense is a human right.