Anonymous ID: bf095c Oct. 30, 2023, 1:57 a.m. No.19829342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9344 >>9346






Thank you anons, I am OK now, thank God. I have to write about it in detail because this shit is a "Deadly" bio-weapon, no doubt, and me and my wife have been through this before. This pathogen makes you extremely nauseous, dizzy, extremely weak, and your entire anatomy wants to squeeze itself to death just to evict the toxins. When my wife had it about 10 years ago, I ordered MSM for her after researching it. She couldn't wait and went to ER and was hospitalized for a few days on tons of antibiotics. I got sick a day before it came in and went through the vomiting, runs, squeezing for 30 hours straight, I couldn't even hold a glass of water. When the MSM came in, I took it and in about 1/2 hour it was neutralized and gone within 2 hours.


This was the same thing but even more potent, cause I know this feeling. This time I had pain around the solar plex straight through the back. After about 15 minutes of taking the MSM, which was the first thing that really helped, it broke the virus, and within about a minute my entire t-shirt was drenched and soggy as my body shook uncontrollably as if in a weakened convulsion.


Things that I noticed at Dominoes this time that I went to pick up. The counter glass was removed, the manager employee was wearing a mask. I asked him why, and he said he had allergies but quickly avoided talking about it. Usually he puts the pies into the box but this time he had another driver employee do it. I notice that twice he put his fingers to his face around the nose area as he cut the pie. I asked my wife to check the edges of the pie when I got home and she actually had a slice with no affect. I believe that employee did something nefarious, even though he knew I was watching in his general direction.


These people have bio weapons, spike proteins, as I noticed that when I threw up violently and uncontrollably, that I had developed a thick thick mucous similar to what my dog suffers from,that causes choking because it is too difficult to push out. These spike proteins cause organic material to bind and because it is a virus form, it can spread out like a forest yet plant strong individual roots.

Anonymous ID: bf095c Oct. 30, 2023, 2:08 a.m. No.19829354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9362


>What's MSM anon?

>So glad you're feeling better!

>Why in the world would you eat Dominoes pizza, that stuff is crap! Make your own piz


Research Jim Humble MSM and see for yourself. I was the one who brought this "bleach" like substance to this board after the original attack. Remember, I also said Covid was local due to Chemical Knitters too.


Just so you know, the 15 comms refer to me because I have been fighting the DS as a ground zero worker for 15 years even before Trump showed up. We get attacked just about daily in some form or another. They spray our front with these spike proteins at times knowing we blow leaves. Stay anonymous, these people are cowardly murderers, never forget that.

Anonymous ID: bf095c Oct. 30, 2023, 2:17 a.m. No.19829366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9402



Let me tell you this for a fact. The first time I had this, if I didn't get the MSM that day, I would have died. I can't go to the hospital or call the cops like you can, think about that for a minute. This latest form is probably 10 times more potent, if I didn't take the MSM when I did, I probably be dead right now. This time it felt like the muscles, tendons, nerve endings were all being caught in an energy field and being binded together.

Anonymous ID: bf095c Oct. 30, 2023, 2:22 a.m. No.19829374   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I have a friend that swears by it


Your friend is being 100% truthful, the only people who would criticize it are the people who know about these bio-weapons and use them and don't want the public to know about the remedy. Just like the only people who do not want citizens to own guns legally are the criminals or those that utilize them. Jim Humble had to leave the country because of it, sad. Trump should exonerate him and give that guy a medal or two.