Anonymous ID: e1e22a Oct. 30, 2023, 2:50 a.m. No.19829436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9463



I want to reiterate something here anons about these types of attacks. I first noticed these spike proteins, for lack of a better term, being deployed on 911 as my first experience with these types of toxic bio-weapon. I bathed for 3 hours after serving on 911 for good reason. Within 3 days I had abnormal growths on my skin that some looked like charred burn marks and a few that grew to the size of a walnut on the sides of my neck and face. Just before seeing a doctor they fell off while I was away from home. I am positive that these synthetic pathogens were used in shots given to 911 workers who wanted to collect from the compensation board as it was a requirement. I believe this is why so many died of cancers and my sister, who served with me, suffered from stomach and digestive complications after taking a shot. She always had trouble keeping anything down including water. She died after a 10 year daily struggle. I believe without a doubt that covid was just DS stalkers targeting individuals as these toxins can be deployed in numerous ways, aerosol, pathways, vaccines, contamination o foods and objects, and they are also intensified with frequency weapons such as microwave, ELF, and 5G depending on use case.


It is high time we look into this and start doing raids on suspected gang stalkers, and interrogating their ways and means.