Anonymous ID: e87c32 Oct. 30, 2023, 5:04 a.m. No.19829755   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>the same sense of adoption that we do in modern times

Now that's an overstatement.



Yeah, it's pretty wild what sort of thoughts pop in and out during states of inebriation. THC is much better in that regard; more positive. Alcohol can be useful when dredging through the muck to try making sense of things, but ends up being a hindrance.



It's a great burden to know much about the world and have little in the way of being able to help fix it.

-Probably an alcoholic, somewhere

>Yes, it's someone else's quote I butchered and cannot find the author.

Anonymous ID: e87c32 Oct. 30, 2023, 5:16 a.m. No.19829796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9799


>so many things are laced with it and people don't realize

Yep. Every person that has died of an overdose should have a headstone dedicated to them with the inscription "Victim of the US Drug War waged by intelligence agencies working with cartels" so these things can never happen again.

Anonymous ID: e87c32 Oct. 30, 2023, 5:24 a.m. No.19829814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9817

>>19828908 (pb)

>>19829771 (lb)

Immunity long overdue

Contagion, I exhale you

Naive I opened up to you

Venom in mania

Now, contagion I exhale you

Deceiver says, he says you belong to me

You don't want to breathe the light of the others

Fear the light

Fear the breath

Fear the others for eternity

But I hear them now, inhale the clarity

Hear the venom, the venom in what you say, inoculated

Bless this immunity

Bless this immunity

Bless this immunity

Exhale, expel

Recast my tale

Weave my allegorical elegy


All that I'm to do

Calculating steps away from you

My own mitosis

Growing through delusion from mania

Exhale, expel

Recast my tale, weave my allegorical elegy

Forfeit all control

You poison

You spectacle

Exorcise the spectacle

Exorcise the malady

Exorcise the disparate

Poison for eternity

Purge me and evacuate

The venom and the fear that binds me

Unveil now

Lift away

I see you running

Deceiver chased away

A long time coming