today MACRONi nood still mad at daddy face on TP
plz let mah lil juw gefelte falander juw royal basTARD harry butt crimes fore border like daddy mad
juw spam nice things bout mah whor edipus whaaaaa an taht bordur ready for juwing
im gunna whip out mah lil juw sardin so juw kan squat cobbler on it wiff yuger royaler bastard gasket
royal basTARD bordur moist
princess di wuz banging charles and teh other guy so proud of edipus whorin rare ginger faggot bastard
mah lil sardines is swammin like kipper snack to juw island right now
mah butt greece haz adrenochrome in it already
score sum hunters crack
great planning juw
got rocks ?
faggot rocks
hunters rocks
isREAL crack
an tahn jfk sucks on flesh farm of nazi vlaor kikes
an tahn upper managment recites greek faggot wurds signal
an tahn dupont diaper dumps vs tranny diapers fetish fuels yellow cake road
the rapeist finished 36 prons with heroine whrrrrr whrrrrr whrrrrr
this is mostly a jfk is the devil superficial denial with lots of reinforcm=ing arugments of distration an a token forener for simps
oh no
last earth woman to experience jfk faggot seks is having an awful edipus whorin whaaa bribed moment dirty money anus larpin juw diaries monlogues
east euro smut plantaion is recruiting sluts
teabaggers have prejudice
vanderbilt crime spree wants to feed drugs to goy children for juwing reasons
daddy bribes big stoooooopid hunter crack found again
#amazonprimevibrators !
edipus whor again lik a vanderbilt @pedosta
let me interview your trousers
#amazonprimebuttbeads !
celebrate mah crime spreee now
mah crime spree is always sloppy seconds
mah crime spree will never lik vatican
an tahn putin never calls back
>>putin never calls back
>mah bordur open fo juwing @putin
plz putin mah bordur ready fo juwin very open
>>>putin never calls back
>>mah bordur open fo juwing @putin
>plz putin mah bordur ready fo juwin very open
plz record putin mha border juwin very open
teabaggers know tranny chit pandering online
an tahn barbie sucked oppenheimers fart clouds at movie theatre box office
an teh soy flocked like lesbian seagulls ready for berliner larp
an tahn died like fugly plastic shill
plz halp support open cheese movement
cheesey thauced frenchy germs ready to exploit juw border
pensions stolen
>>pensions stolen
>civil rights leeked
incestous pedophile ring exposed exposing its exposers
>>>pensions stolen
>>civil rights leeked
>incestous pedophile ring exposed exposing its exposers
incestuous pedophile ring seen kuntrollin meta
>>>>pensions stolen
>>>civil rights leeked
>>incestous pedophile ring exposed exposing its exposers
>incestuous pedophile ring seen kuntrollin meta
global dystopian gamorhea
& uncle fuka faggots