my god trump is a genius. listening to him on maria's show discussing international business and industry just shows how staggeringly ignorant ever other president has been about what is the foundation of capitalism.
when she posts on here she should just use Baileyanon as her handle….
illegal stopovergrants
like i've said, follow who you want…but laura loomer is a
jew kike shill plant
whose goal is to LOOK like us but ACT like someone who WANTS actual civil war led by right-wing conspiracy nutbags.
they're going to kill us all with the water. disease and fentanyl. even the bottled water will kill. everything made with water. everything. that's what they want.
this is what started the goddamn shill/slide flood the other day. i just know it is. we had this nailed fucking down. i can only hope the post was a mistake and the good guys had to shut us down.
hello old friends….
scott and gowdy are close friends who wrote a book together. at the bottom of the article.