Anonymous ID: 1c12c3 Oct. 30, 2023, 1:52 p.m. No.19832332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2345

>>19832145 pb


You ruined your argument as soon as you claimed "But it's the Jews."

Is that it?

Is that all you've got?

You never disputed before either.

All one gets from a jew-hater is emotionally screeds and smears.

That's way less than dispute.

Takes a lot of intellect to do that.


One Trick Pony

It's perfect for AI

No matter what anyone says, bring the subject back to "da Jews"

No one will even notice you're an AI then, and aren't unable to participate in the discussion.

but the cover for that idiocy is "jews jews jews"

You guys are worse than Trump haters; oh right, it overlaps.

You could win the Turing Test with that; as long as all anyone typed about was "da Jews."


ur a loser.

That's not actual evidence of anything

Mae Brussell was Jewish person, and did a great job with her investigations.

Ur a knumb skull Jew-hater.



go ahead dispute

you can't

all you have is.

"We hate Jews"

"Hitler died a martyr to the cause"

go ahead blather on.

If something is true why would it matter the ethnic make-up of the researcher?

You jew-haters are definitely Dem Leftists, with all your attention to identity politics.




Anonymous ID: 1c12c3 Oct. 30, 2023, 2 p.m. No.19832363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2402



Same garbage they claim about Mike Lindell

"It's all about the money"



No idea what Ted Kennedy has to do about this?

You're not making sense.

What's the name of the video you're trying to embed?

Anonymous ID: 1c12c3 Oct. 30, 2023, 2:17 p.m. No.19832450   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They always belittle Trump

It's their psychological problems which cause it.

Their feelings of inadequacy and guilt in face of so much success, winning and righteousness gainst their criminality?


Need the crowd who hates to feel part of something; like those who went along with the Jew Hate under Adolf.

And are still trying to justify it.

I believe such as EnGoron are actually participating in the mass psychosis of "TDS"

Ironic the victims of the Adolf Jew-Hate, the jewish people of New York i.e. Liberals, seem most swayed by the Trump Hate of today.

Even with all the decades and decades of reciting "Never Again"


It'll make some good Shakesper when the day comes.

who is ugly enough to play I'mGoreHor?