Anonymous ID: 42c6ec Oct. 30, 2023, 1:36 p.m. No.19832252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2267 >>2273 >>2370 >>2830 >>2944

President Trump:


Contempt of court, often referred to simply as "contempt", is the crime of being disobedient to or disrespectful toward a court of law and its officers in the form of behavior that opposes or defies the authority, justice, and dignity of the court


This is an abused term that has been weaponized by judges to control their predatory practices of extorting wealth out of defendants. By it's own definition: "opposes" is enough reason to be charged. So if you oppose, you are being disrespectful and disobedient. You must obey their predatory practices or else you are being disrespectful to their dignity of their officers.


Remember, a court is just another private not-for-profit incorporated business working under the guise of a certain jurisdiction of the people. A not-for-profit that monies are never audited and traced back to the people. In reality, contempt can only be a legitimate charge, if you were found guilty of a crime by a jury of "We the People" of that jurisdiction and then "defy" or disrespect a court and not until then. You have a right to oppose injustices as you do for predatory practices.



"Oppose" was specifically picked as a term when describing contempt because of these two definitions of oppose.


  1. disapprove of and attempt to prevent, especially by argument.

  2. actively resist or refuse to comply with (a person or a system).


Number 2 is actually describing "Defies" yet Number 1 is actually describing disagreement by logical arguments. This is why they can abuse this definition because now both types of oppositions are equivalent and at the discretion of the perpetrator, in this case the judge. So not agreeing by logical argument is equivalent to defying a court order (of a guilty party), because an innocent party would have no such requirements.

Anonymous ID: 42c6ec Oct. 30, 2023, 1:41 p.m. No.19832273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2370 >>2450



udge Engoron declared this week “Anybody can run for president. I am going to protect my staff.”


  1. Not anybody, that is a fraudulent statement coming from a judge to minimize PDJT stature and defame him. PS judgem Trump already held office and what you are doing is borderline treason by denying his right to free speech to defend his character during an election.


Definition: An exploiter is a user, someone who takes advantage of other people or things for their own gain. Being an exploiter is selfish and unethical. To exploit someone is to use them in a way that's wrong



  1. I am going to protect my staff is exploitation to justify the judge's biased gag order on PDJT. No one is threatening or suggesting violence towards him or his staff. Trump is entitled to his opinion under the 1st Amendment of free speech. On the contrary, it is unethical also for a judge to act as a character witness and he did exactly that he said he doesn't find Trump credible.