Anonymous ID: 7be790 Oct. 30, 2023, 1:42 p.m. No.19832284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2293

>>19832103 (lb)

Today we say thanks to you, Mr. Coke Bottle Tossing Enthusiast Professional Man.

🎶 Mr. Coke Bottle Tossing Enthusiast Professional Man. 🎶


The tosser was definitely considering the right approach for this. The preparation:

-Holds the bottle horizontal, not vertical.

🎶horizontal, not vertical🎶

This is to ensure the maximum surface area impact to the target.

-Proper Windup

🎶Proper Windup, yeah!🎶

Sometimes, projectiles go off-target when their weight distribution and centrifugal force come into play during flight. This is best overcome with the "Axe-Toss" method which ensure best weight-to-twist ratio while the object proceeds to its target.

-Step-Slide or Slide-Step

🎶I prefer to say Step-Slide, baby!🎶

This footing technique is the proper way to shift your weight to ensure maximum accuracy. Note the pitcher's balance; keeping shoulders square to the target while preparing for release. The Slide-Step, also used by pro kickers in the NFL just before impact, points the toes towards the target to improve accuracy. This shopper is a pro.

-The Release

🎶Oh, sweet, sweet release!🎶

This is where the magic happens. With shoulders still square and Slide-Step complete with legs properly extended in front and back creating a solid footing, the pitcher ensures the flight path has the proper arc to clear obstacles below while still hitting the target. Release too soon, and the bottle goes into the shelves behind the suspect. Too late, and you'll have a fizzy mess on the floor. But as stated earlier, this guy's a pro; releasing at just the right moment for a single blow to knock the would-be smash-and-grabber against the noggin for a KO blow until the authorities to can haul the suspect away.


Nicely done, Mr. Coke Bottle Tossing Enthusiast Professional Man. The neighborhood is a safer place because of you!

🎶Mr. Coke Bottle Tossing Enthusiast Professional Man!!!🎶