Anonymous ID: d68949 Oct. 30, 2023, 1:48 p.m. No.19832311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2319 >>2338 >>2350 >>2369

Man… i remember when these 751 threads were finished every 30 mins or so..kek

Whats the deal with Trump then?….we got Derek Johnson sayin Israel are the 'chosen ones' a lot of Q seems to be pro Israel what i see.

Although I stand absolutely ,nothing could change my mind, firm with clearly the only side that is and always has been persecuted. Im confused AF!


All this Trump is still commander in Cheif thing is starting to get old. But more importantly if he does return, is he on the right side, or has he been part of it all along which i hate to even say.