Will the Sackler Family, owners of no defunct Purdue Pharma shutter the company and walk away with 16 billion dollars in profit from the destruction and misery the Sackler's privately held, family operated corporation visited on America?
The Rockefeller funded initial experiment in media mind control. It was a success. It was not that people panicked; it's that the vast majority believed other people would panic.
National Medal of Pedovoria
There are not enough posts about aliens.
Never get between one and a bottle of ammonia
Our internet is not only insecure by design, it is irremediably insecure by design.
If we were confined to 3D material space there’s only one way to fix it, but we’re not it appears, and when we have a quantum network and we do they say, that network is conscious. A quantum network knows and recognizes every individual – who we are, in all our dimensions, because the Spirit knows every user.
what a mind virus is.
self-replicating information, meme or media content people share and which changes behavior.
Memes are self-replicating, behavior modifying information packages. They replicate in our minds and spread on social networks, fissioning as they are shared at different rates
Most memes are dependent on, and limited to, the cultural medium in which they propagate – the mind space of users –but not all - certain memes will cross all cultural borders, leaping even linguistic barriers – always because they are universal in some respect.
Memes that cross linguistic, cultural and ideological divides, which possess that universal quality, are the MOABS of IW.
Each of these MOABs represents a unique creative act, the hunter killer torpedoes of truth weaving through the sea of low-quality information in our shared mind space to destroy low quality ideas implanted, often in youth or infancy by legacy media mind control and MSM social subversion programming.
Eventually, when enough meme pay loads of low error, truthful information accumulate in an individual mind the belief system is transformed in a “conversion experience” where memes self-assemble in a “road to Damascus moment.” The individual awakens with the realization the we properly exist in God’s realm.
The better the quality of information circulating among us, the less error it contains, the more truthful it is qualitatively, the better people we are.
The objective of circulating true (low error) information is to improve every individual’s understanding enough so a person can understand the danger of lies in nonlinear psycho-spiritual environments like networked mind space.
Information is a substance our brains run on – if we consume large quantities of low-quality information our capacity to understand the world will be limited. This is called “Information Poisoning.”
Our poisoned, low-quality information environment has been fostered by the satanist controlled media networks, producers and promoters and advertisers. We the People are controlled, guided and limited by the quality of our information, news or “entertainment.” If we consume uncontaminated, low error, high quality information, created by honest human beings intended for the benefit of all, we improve our ability to understand the universe, our species and the lyrics to Ultimate Spinach songs.
The Dirty DLs US rep is Robert Thurman, Uma's pappy, and a necromancer at Columbia University
He deliberately sanitized the Gelug scripture for a western yuppi / pedo cultist audience, and they built Stupas - portal temples- all over the western world.
There is a great ocean of circulating information medium that connects us all; it is our common information supply, the endless sea of media content, ever changing, never repeating, a circulating tidal flow of news and 'entertainment' media; movies, TV, music, cartoons, video games and advertising; the cult’s medium of control is the popular culture.
This circulating information medium is an interactive, fluid network, and the media content, both news and entertainment, forms our understanding of the 'reality' we inhabit, and of each other.
Media content delivers information about our environment we use to make decisions about every aspect of our lives, our children, businesses and communities. We depend on the integrity of circulating information to allocate our attention to problems or opportunities, and to assign community resources to improve our world, and to prosper and grow in safe and healthy ways.
Circulating information from news and media content is how we organize our lives, and how we plan for the future.
Our common information supply is critical to the health and well-being of humanity. Anyone able to introduce information into the common information supply is able to introduce images and ideas that must either make us better, happier and more tolerant and better equipped emotionally and intellectually to deal with our environment. Or, information can be evil it call be ill-intended, and misleading. Media content can be, and has been, engineered to produce’ ‘harmful, cumulative, economic, psychological and Spiritual effects.'''
Nations have ALWAYS controlled the circulating information supply. A nation that doesn't control their own circulating information is vulnerable to attack from within and from without. Every nation today ‘’’does’’’ overtly or covertly control its information supply.
In the US our common information supply is controlled by 5 media companies and a few big tech companies. All of them fingers of the same hand.
Entertainment is not just entertainment; news is not just news. It is the primary social control system of the US and the world. It provides us with the language and metaphor and analogy we use to communicate.
Psychological operations conducted by MSM media, in addition to controlling our purchasing behaviors, sexuality, and worldview, steer traffic to benefit cult companies and causes.
Bestial atrocities are reported in such meticulous detail today because real life experience shows that a wave of imitative violence inevitably occurs. Suicides of prominent persons always generate a wave of imitations. That's why crimes of extreme violence are shown over and over on MSM media. Decades of exposure to this kind of media content causes real, measurable, cognitive impairment and these facts are well known to everybody in the field of IW and psychological operations.
This is why some generals have declared “kinetic war is obsolete."
When we replace media content engineered to do us harm with media content engineered to restore our peace and self-respect we may get our first glimpse of what who we really are, what we are capable of, able choose the path which leads to where our destiny lies.
The Aga Khan is leader of the Isma'ili sect, whose 20 million members are sometimes described as Muslim, though they're viewed as heretical by both the Sunni and Shia sects .
The Ismalis are the direct descendants of Hasan al Sabah's Assassins, a terrorist group who held the middle east tributary with illusion and terror for ~ 400 years.
>The Assassins (aka Nizari Ismailis), were a heretical group of Shiite Muslims who were powerful in Persia and Syria from the 11th century CE until their defeat at the hands of the Mongols in the mid-13th century CE.
The Assassins maintained networks of covert agents in every country and capital, sleepers who worked deep cover sometimes for decades, carrying on successful businesses, raising families, before being activated for assassination or other purpose.
The assassins sleepers proved to be 100% loyal, willing and able to carry out assassinations or terrorist acts even at the expense of their own lives.
How did the Assassins command such loyalty from agents embedded for years in the heart of 'enemy' nations and cultures?
We know they used techniques that we would call brainwashing. Hypnotism, illusion, drugs combined with occult rituals to initiate adherents with absolute incorruptible loyalty which did not erode over time, was not weakened by prosperity or suffer in competition with love of family.
Above all else, the faithful were loyal to the order of the Assassins.
The Assassin's headquarter of Almut was conquered by Genghis Kan's grandson, Hulegu. in 1276, and the order said to have vanished taking the indoctrination procedures and technology with them to historical oblivion.
Except that they did not vanish they changed their name.
The vast majority of the Assassins, enormous networks of fanatical agents where scattered across the known world survived the destruction of the mountain fortresses and the order rapidly reconstitutes itself as the Isma'ilis.
The Aga Khan attended Harvard and was on Harvard Lampoon. Since then he has cultivated an image in the popular press as a moderate cultivated Muzzy, a race horse owning secular playboy who happens to have inherited the leadership of the Isma'ili sect.
The heir of Hasan al Sabah's Assassins is certainly familiar with and likely to have improved upon the mind control technique of 800 years ago, and thus a highly trained and expert handler of cultist puppets like Justin Trudeau.
Also worth noting is the fact that the Assassins were allied to and shared operational secrets with, the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar also reconstituted their order under a new name when their order was dissolved by Pope Clement V and their headquarters attacked by the King's forces, over run and leader Jacques DeMolay executed by Phillip IV of France.
The Templars became various strains of masonry and their activities use many of the same tactics as the Assassins, infiltration of key government positions, hidden control of 'grass roots' groups and individuals. By oath, their highest loyalty, above nation and family, is to the masonic order and fellow masons.
Successful operational tactics are never discarded, they are updated and continue in use until they become ineffective. Is Aga Khan Trudeau's handler? IDK but he runs to Aga daddy in time of stress. JT can probably count on Isma'ili support for the moment, as far as it goes, but like the historical Assassins and the Templars the Ismai'lis can't fight a nation state or an aroused population.
The Great Awakening is big trouble for the masons, the outer corps of dupes and an inner council of amoral occult artists and sociopathic manipulators, the heirs to the Templars' occult rituals and assorted brainwashing techniques.
If those techniques weren't so effective we'd have more masons confessing here and fewer shills.
>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)
>Children's Defense Fund (Front)
>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate
>Dan Schneider/Pedowood
>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook
>Pentagon Child Porn Servers
>Oakland County child murders
>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer
>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring
>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring
>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring
>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring
>Madeline McCann Disappearance
>Brooke Shields Child Actor
>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring
>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult
>G4S Security Human Trafficking
>Dyncorp Human Trafficking
>Dolphin Square Ring
>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking
>Jersey Island Child Killings
>Elm Guest House Ring
>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up
>Clinton Hitlist
>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking
>Joe Biden Child Groper
>McMartin Pre-schoolRing
>Presidio Military Daycare Ring
>Dutroux Affair Coverup
>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking
>NXIVM Sex Cult
>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring
>Sandusky Pedo Ring
>Roman Polanski Scandal
>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring
>MJ Scandal
>Savile Scandal
>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse
>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest
>The Finders Cult
>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave
>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave
>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave
>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination
>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination
>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama
>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking
>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up
>Portugal Elite Sex Ring
>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring
>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp
>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring
>Norway Pedo Ring Bust
>Hampstead, UK, cover up
Legacy Media shills
MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.
MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.
MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.
MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.
“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.
We the People are awake.
Justice is coming