Anonymous ID: c6de24 Oct. 30, 2023, 4:33 p.m. No.19833144   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I just got a chance to check my post about my relative tha needs her baby a medical evacuation out of Switzerland I told her about doctors without borders and asked her to check with them. As I understand I medical evaluation more than a plane ticket she already had her return flight tickets but can't bring her back without it being a medical flight. Wish our batman signal would work but feel batman is to busy to help. They had traveled in around the US before and doubt she would have gone anywhere had there been a question about her health she thrived after her heart surgery like she was making up for lost time,. As for the medjet it looks like an insurance policy but it's to late for that she is goingbon3 weeks in the hospital. If anyone can think of some kind of help to get them home, if not I ask if you can pray for little Josie to get well enough to travel in a regular plane. Thank you all for the information and for sharing her gofundme and most of all the prayers for healing.