Anonymous ID: 3b2819 Oct. 30, 2023, 9:19 p.m. No.19834714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727



(Excluding all CAPS) pulled capital letters from DHT Truth and got FJH


A Google search of "FJH" and "donald j trump" returned a link to the 1,091 page Impeachment Articles for the Zelensky call.


Searching for "Trump Derangement Syndrome" in those articles brought me to page 794. It was a letter to Pelosi from DJT and he was outlining how there was nothing fair about the impeachment. He couldn't provide evidence or call witnesses, etc. Also explained that the declassification, and Zelensky's own admission proves there was nothing wrong with that call.


He then tells her that this was all just a partisan hunt because their candidate didn't win in 2016. He said Pelosi even admitted the impeachment started before the call ever took place, as well as mentioning that 16 minutes after he took office there was a msm article stating the campaign to impeach DJT has begun. He also states that she views democracy as her enemy.


On a whim I checked what drop #794 (page #) was, but if it's anything, I believe it's meant for operators and not anons, if anything:





-=Declarations of War and National Emergencies=-


A National Emergency is akin to a declaration of war, and US Citizens can be detained as 'Enemy Combatants' during that time, so long as Authorized Use of Military Force is also given.


Apart from the emergencies already in effect from previous administration's, Trump declared the election interference national emergency, and an authorized use of military force in 2018.


In the AUMF he made some interesting remarks.


Those detained under AUMF will be sent to Gitmo.


Section 1, sub(d)

Remaining individuals from PAST conflicts are currently still being prosecuted while others must be (remain) detained to protect against significant threats to the security of the US, based on periodic review.



Loosely says some of the current detainees at Gitmo are far more difficult and dangerous cases than historically at the facility



-=Trump modernized EO 13224=-


Donald Trump's modernization of E.O. 13224 now provides the State Department the explicit authority to designate, “leaders of an entity.” In simple terms, as the State Department’s Counterterrorism Bureau’s Coordinator, Nathan Sales, told the Wall Street Journal recently, the Department would not have to develop elaborate dossiers to designate future leaders of terrorist groups. Another important change for the State Department in the updated E.O. is new language that says the secretary can designate individuals who have, “participated in training to commit acts of terrorism.” Removing red tape for the State Department’s terrorist designations process.


Also, the Treasury stands to benefit from E.O. 13224 section 1F(b), which gives the secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the secretary of State, the ability to take action against bankers and account managers that allow their services to be utilized by terrorists. This new language sends a warning to the financial industry that they could lose access to the U.S. dollar if they provide correspondent banking services to bad actors.





-Donald Trump Impeachment Doc (Letter to Pelosi):


-War declarations and Authorized Use of Military Force:


-DJT 2018 National Emergencies declared:


-DJT Truth Social Post

Anonymous ID: 3b2819 Oct. 30, 2023, 10:36 p.m. No.19835030   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons, is this a happening? RE: HRC


Last 2 DJT Truths, minutes ago, all uppercase, deviation from what has been posted. Timestamps coincidence with drops that both mention operations taking place, and take extreme caution, possible false flags imminent.



