Anonymous ID: 04ef7a Oct. 31, 2023, 5:11 a.m. No.19836039   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Shills just like to say 8kun is dead for their usual reasons.


We follow the first amendment on 8kun, which has five parts.


Freedom of religion, Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the right to redress grievances.


Suppose your posts are continually deleted. they may not be protected by freedom of speech. The usual types of posts which are not protected are advertising posts, posts that advocate violence, and posts that don't pass the dost test.


These are not the only posts that are not protected, but they do make up most of them.


If your post is within the advertising threshold, don't hesitate to contact 8kun about purchasing advertising if your post is one of the other categories. Please leave immediately. You are not welcome here.


Some folks imagine that each board and chat is free for all, and anything can be posted in it. That is not the case either.


There is a place for each thing, and if you can't find a place for what you want to say. Please make a new board just for your posts. Perhaps other people will have an interest in them. These boards and chats are all listed on the front of the website for easy access. This includes some with quite awful names. Please make sure your content is not against the law in the United States. This is our most important rule on


BOs and BVs, please pay attention to this and note it. If the content does not belong on your board, you know that. The poster can find the board where it belongs. It is not the obligation of the BO or the BV to find the appropriate board for the poster. If that poster is posting random stuff, the post should be random, not on your board.


These examples should help you moderate the website and protect it from illegal content. Even though this doesn't cover all Global Rule violations, these are the most common bannable offenses on the site.


Lot moar

Maybe read…

Anonymous ID: 04ef7a Oct. 31, 2023, 5:24 a.m. No.19836105   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6115 >>6130


Quick, Project Hitler onto Trump! The Noticers are Noticing that it's really US.


Trump’s channeling Hitler for protection


Donald Trump’s ex-wife, Ivana, reportedly said that he kept a copy of Hitler’s book, “My New Order,” in a cabinet next to the bed and that he would read from it before going to sleep. Trump has long denied that he read Hitler’s book for its hateful message. Instead, he pivots and prevaricates, claiming that if ever did read “My New Order” it was because he admired the language and speeches. But Trump’s denials always stretched the limits of credulity. He told Vanity Fair magazine in 1990 that, “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them.”


For decades, Trump has repeatedly shown himself to be a casual antisemite. Throughout his presidency and beyond, he has continued to advocate for and amplify antisemitism and white supremacy. As the manifestly corrupt ex-president faces the growing reality of (finally) going to prison for his many obvious crimes, he is now publicly wallowing even more in antisemitism and white supremacy. As demonstrated by a recent series of speeches, fundraising emails and other communications, Trump has erased any lingering doubt about the sincerity and earnestness of his antisemitic and white supremacist values and beliefs. That copy of Hitler’s book “My New Order” that was kept inside Trump’s bedside cabinet was in all likelihood very well read and very closely studied.


For example, in a recent series of fundraising emails, Trump repeatedly claimed that he and his neofascist MAGA movement (who he describes as “patriots”) are “victims” who have been “betrayed” and “stabbed in the back” by Republican “traitors” i.e. RINOs who are insufficiently loyal to “the cause” and are doing the bidding of the Democrats and George Soros and other “globalists." (Soros is Jewish and a Holocaust survivor; in this context “globalist” is an antisemitic slur”.)


In this fundraising email, Trump attacks Soros and puts him at the center of the “plot” against him:




While no one was looking, George Soros made a “MASSIVE DONATION” just in time for the 3rd Quarter FEC Deadline…


Soros knows that Biden is a disastrous candidate. He’s seen all of the many polls that show Biden LOSING BADLY to me in the swing states that will decide the 2024 election.


And thanks to your support, we ensured that Soros never got the nasty, divisive GOP primary that he had been hoping for. While RINOs have certainly tried to attack us with nefarious, backstabbing plots, we’ve prevailed every single time and to this day remain the INDISPUTABLE frontrunner – and it’s not even close.


So, Soros only has two remaining options to keep the White House under his control…


…hope that Biden jails me for the rest of my life as an innocent man OR spend enough billions to BUY the 2024 election.


This latest 3rd Quarter FEC report confirms that Soros will spend whatever it takes to continue bleeding America dry for his own personal benefit.


Soros and many other globalist special interests have trillions of dollars at play in this election.


But we have something far more noble at play in this election: our country.


moar projection

Anonymous ID: 04ef7a Oct. 31, 2023, 5:51 a.m. No.19836186   🗄️.is đź”—kun


> how much does "the government" make on Petroleum and Logging Royalties from Federal Land Leases


Biden increases oil royalty rate and scales back lease sales on federal lands


BILLINGS, Mont. — The Interior Department on Friday said it's moving forward with the first onshore sales of public oil and natural gas drilling leases under President Joe Biden, but will sharply increase royalty rates for companies as federal officials weigh efforts to fight climate change against pressure to bring down high gasoline prices.


The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%. That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.


Biden suspended new leasing just a week after taking office in January 2021. A federal judge in Louisiana ordered the sales to resume, saying Interior officials had offered no "rational explanation" for canceling them.


The government held an offshore lease auction in the Gulf of Mexico in November, although a court later blocked that sale before the leases were issued.


Friday's announcement comes amid pressure for Biden to expand U.S. crude production as the pandemic and war in Ukraine roil the global economy and fuel prices have spiked. The Democrat faces calls from within his own party to do more to curb emissions from fossil fuels that are driving climate change.


Leases for 225 square miles (580 square kilometers) of federal lands primarily in the West will be offered for sale in a notice to be posted on Monday, officials said. The parcels represent about 30% less land than officials had proposed for sale in November and 80% less than what was originally nominated by the industry.


The sales notices will cover leasing decisions in nine states — Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Montana, Alabama, Nevada, North Dakota and Oklahoma.


Interior Department officials declined to specify which states would have parcels for sale or to give a breakdown of the amount of land by state, saying that information would be included in Monday's sales notices. They said the reduced area being offered reflects a focus on leasing in locations near existing oil and gas development including pipelines.


Hundreds of parcels of public land that companies nominated for leasing had been previously dropped from the upcoming lease sale because of concerns about wildlife being harmed by drilling rigs.


At the time, officials said burning fuel from the remaining leases could cost billions of dollars in climate change impacts. Fossil fuels extracted from public lands account for about 20% of energy-related U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, making them a prime target for climate activists who want to shut down leasing.


Republicans want more drilling, saying it would increase U.S. energy independence and help bring down the cost of crude. But oil companies have been hesitant to expand drilling because of uncertainty over how long high prices will continue.


Friday's announcement comes after Interior officials had raised the prospect of higher royalty rates and less land available for drilling in a leasing reform report issued last year.


"For too long, the federal oil and gas leasing programs have prioritized the wants of extractive industries," said Secretary Deb Haaland. "Today, we begin to reset how and what we consider to be the highest and best use of Americans' resources."


But the move brought condemnation from both ends of the political spectrum: Environmentalists derided the decision to hold the long-delayed sales, while oil industry representatives said the higher royalty rates would deter drilling.


Nicole Ghio with the environmental group Friends of the Earth said Biden was putting oil industry profits ahead of future generations that will have to deal with the worsening consequences of climate change.


"If Biden wants to be a climate leader, he must stop auctioning off our public lands to Big Oil," Ghio said in an emailed statement.


American Petroleum Institute Vice President Frank Macchiarola said officials had removed some of the most significant parcels that companies wanted to drill while adding "new barriers" that would discourage companies from investing in drilling on public lands.


Lease sales and royalties that companies pay on extracted oil and gas brought in more than $83 billion in revenue over the past decade. Half the money from onshore drilling goes to the state where it occurred.

