Is Mack Mason still sheriff of Union County Georgia?
Is Janna Akins still the resident CIA agent, City attorney, and school board member running a pedophile ring in Union County, Georgia?
Is Sheriff Mack Mason still allowed to be issuing warrants against those that discover his involvement in the satanic cult?
Are the 'good ole boys' that wear uniform in Union County Georgia, Blairsville still wearing uniforms?
Is Judge Joy Parks still practicing in the Enotah District, Georgia?
Is Katie Leonard of the Leonard Firm in Marietta, Georgia still practicing law and married to a federal prosecutor?
Are the Burks and Breedloves clan still involved in child grooming, drugs, and using child brides to count votes?
Is IOI Scott Burris still employed with the ATF?
Are the gangstalkers that got introduced in Central Florida still gooning in Vevay, Indiana?
If yes to any of the above, then this country has NO legitimate Business involving itself in any World Affairs and the spotlight should be on Union County, Georgia and the Satanic Grooming Cult using Child Brides to count Election votes, this nullfying Sovereignty of any Republic or democracy and allowing a satanic system, a pedophile system, to be a slave system, which isn't just Unconstitutional & traitorous but against Cosmic law, Nature's law, and Law of Water & Land. It could cause the deceit and send the greatest fighters, the Warriors birthed from Wombs, to March towards deceit and not recognize the tyrannical deceit.i
They'd almost want a world war to distract from that Truth that you just read.
To the anon who said the 1 percent who has good insurance, the masons will build back better. It's a certain sect of them, they have ranks, most don't have a clue, hub and spoke conspiracy, I know, I met those charges before, wear uniform and display rank, or knowledge, ie illuminatation, rituals, circles and am inner circle. You either all support the actions or you don't.
It's the Mason's who are the cause of all of this. They are running pedophile rings, chomo circles, human sacrifices, high on cocaine most of them if not other substance, while calling themselves sheriff, judge, prosecutor, attorney, defense attorney, court reporter, and in the case above doctor with William David Breedlove.
Good luck with that, a world they built is crumbling around everyone, it his inflection point. The Agent Smith's grew out of control.
Is it a Christian pedophile ring? TheY did claim to be Baptists
Is it a Muslim pedophile ring? Is it Hamas?
Is it a Jewish pedophile ring? The clown gang stalkers introduced in Central Florida made a stink about their Jewish names of Green
Is it a Freemasons pedophile ring? Mack Mason, satanic dog whistle election yard signs, x6066 phone number, arresting anyone looking into it, while ignoring the above conspiracy
Is it a CiA pedophile ring? Janna Akins did take this anons money as retainer as the first attorney in the conflicted divorce case.
Let's not forget about the unHonorable Judge Joy Parks who sent a dog whistle hand signal by brushing her hair with ugly ass ring on right hand to signal to my second attorney, Katie Leonard to also set this anon up,, and protect the
satanic grooming ring using child brides for many things, but also in this instance their child brides and gang members are counting the votes. Throwing election integrity not only in the fire but flame.