Anonymous ID: cf5b94 Oct. 31, 2023, 6:35 p.m. No.19839773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9877 >>9992 >>0102

Belgian transport unions urge members to refuse handling military shipments to Israel


Belgian transport workers’ unions on Tuesday called on their members to refuse to handle military equipment being sent to Israel to use against Palestinians.


The ACV Puls, BTB, BBTK and ACV-Transcom unions said in a joint statement that airport workers have seen arms shipments.


“While a genocide is under way in Palestine, workers at various airports in Belgium are seeing arms shipments in the direction of the war zone,” the statement said.


Israel says it is targeting Hamas military operations and not civilians in Gaza.


A Belgian government spokesperson declined to comment on whether arms were shipped to the region via Belgium.


The unions said that loading or offloading these weapons would mean contributing to supplying organizations that kill innocent people.


“We, several unions active in ground logistics, call on our members not to handle any flights that ship military equipment to Palestine/Israel, like there were clear agreements and rules at the start of the conflict with Russia and Ukraine,” the unions said.


The unions also called for an immediate ceasefire and asked the Belgian government to not tolerate arms shipments through Belgian airports.


“As unions, we stand with those who campaign for peace,” they said.


Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators rallied in cities in Europe, the Middle East and Asia on Saturday to show support for the Palestinians.

Anonymous ID: cf5b94 Oct. 31, 2023, 6:38 p.m. No.19839786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9830 >>9877 >>9992 >>0102

Bolivia breaks diplomatic ties with Israel, citing ‘crimes against humanity’


Bolivia’s government said it had broken diplomatic ties with Israel on Tuesday, accusing Israel of committing crimes against humanity in its attacks on the Gaza Strip.


Bolivia “has decided to break diplomatic relations with the Israeli state in repudiation and condemnation of the aggressive and disproportionate Israeli military offensive taking place in the Gaza Strip,” Deputy Foreign Minister Freddy Mamani announced at a press conference.


Mamani added that Bolivia was calling for a ceasefire and an end to “the blockade that prevents the entry of food, water and other essential elements for life.”


Interim Foreign Minister Maria Nela Prada said the press conference had been called “in reference to the crimes against humanity being committed in the Gaza Strip against the Palestinian people.”


The Israeli foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Bolivia is among the first countries to actively break diplomatic relations with Israel over its war in Gaza.


The South American country had previously cut diplomatic ties with Israel in 2009 under the government of leftist President Evo Morales, also in protest of Israel’s actions in Gaza.


In 2020, the government of right-wing interim President Jeanine Anez reestablished ties.


Tuesday’s announcement came hours after Morales on social media pressured current President Luis Arce to condemn Israel and declare it a terrorist state.


On Monday, Arce met with the Palestinian ambassador to Bolivia.


“We reject the war crimes being committed in Gaza. We support international initiatives to guarantee humanitarian aid, in compliance with international law,” Arce said on social media on Monday.


Gaza health authorities say that 8,525 people, including 3,542 children, have been killed in Israeli attacks since Oct. 7. UN officials say more than 1.4 million of Gaza’s civilian population of about 2.3 million have been made homeless.


The Israel military has accused Hamas, which rules the narrow coastal territory, of using civilian buildings as cover for fighters, commanders and weaponry, accusations it denies.

Anonymous ID: cf5b94 Oct. 31, 2023, 6:49 p.m. No.19839855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9864 >>9868

Colombia recalls ambassador to Israel in protest against Gaza attacks


Colombia has recalled its ambassador to Israel over its war in Gaza, President Gustavo Petro said in a message on X on Tuesday, formerly known as Twitter.


“I have decided to recall our ambassador to Israel.If Israel does not stop the massacre of the Palestinian people we cannot stay there,” he said.

Anonymous ID: cf5b94 Oct. 31, 2023, 7:03 p.m. No.19839942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9992 >>0102

Chile recalls ambassador to Israel over attacks on Gaza


Chile’s government recalled its ambassador to Israel for consultations on Tuesday after what it described as Israel’s violations of international humanitarian law stemming from its recent military attacks on the Gaza Strip.


“Chile strongly condemns and observes with great concern… these military operations,” the South American nation’s foreign ministry said in a statement.


Chile said Israel’s operations amounted to “collective punishment” of Gaza’s Palestinian civilian population, the ministry said.


It also called for an immediate end to hostilities, the release of hostages held by Hamas militants, and to allow the transit of humanitarian aid for Gaza’s population of some 2 million residents.


Earlier in the day, Chile’s foreign ministry said in a separate statement that it is pushing for a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinian territories.


Chile’s criticism of Israel’s attacks on Gaza follows the move by neighbor Bolivia to break ties with Israel on Tuesday, citing “crimes against humanity.”