Anonymous ID: 6ec7e5 July 1, 2018, 8:24 a.m. No.1984168   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, I hope you guys have a team of professional historians, film makers, etc. keeping on top of all of what your posts imply. The world will be very hungry for explanation and exposition. Anon efforts can only go so far. Camera crew tagging along on any international trips? A documentary showing Q, POTUS, etc. in action would be fantastic. …coming to a theater near you!

Anonymous ID: 6ec7e5 July 1, 2018, 8:58 a.m. No.1984644   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Like a good pothe… I mean Autist, I occasionally re-read the cookies to see where the cookieball is incomplete.



(A) The post with 12 lines starting with HOT →

Is this about DNA editing?

Who did the editing and are we being repaired?

Does the 'HOT' post involve 23andME?

Why the bible quote?

Is the bible a (now distorted) account of alien-human interactions, history, politics?

Are you sure this hasn't been built into some sort of cabal-made trap for the NSA?

So the aliens created us, wanting us to prosper, and the cabal reversed these gifts, so you are returning us to our alien-assisted form?


(B) The post about NK-cabal having mini-nuke capacity in 2004 and ICBM in 2009

yet they display fake tests to give the impression this is/was not the case. →

Are you saying they used these weapons prior to Hawaii fiasco of Q-board note?

If they used them between 2004 and 2009, they had no missile to launch it,

so did they use the 2004-2009 nukes to make Tsunami bombs (see WWII tests around AU and NZ)?

Are you referring to the ICBM launched toward Saudi Arabia as noted in Q posts?

Was the Tsunami that struck Japan caused by cabal 'Tsunami bomb'?

Was the sub that launched/deposited it Israeli? Argentinian? US? cabal-fleet outside of Israel?

Did CERN tunnel machines bore to the blast site under the ocean floor?

Does the cabal use seizmic and ocean modeling to predict how these earthquake/Tsunami bombs will have an effect?

From who did the cabal steal their model of geophysics and ocean physics?


(C) Why do you seem to tread around the Mossad/Israeli connection with some events, but not others? Also, are Mossad a bunch of faggot bitches? How do Jews engage in combat without instantly being killed? Do they just gas people and suicide them? – Sometimes, and with a major event, you are like "Mossad did it" and other times you are like, uhhh well the uh totally non-tactical group of uneducated and blackmailed Masons did it. Yea, Masons with their lodges and total lack of tactical/millitary knowledge… Masons, really? really Q?