Israel is guilty of war crimes. The soldiers for Israel are nothing but cowards.
I am pretty sure the US is going over there to be come targets to allow the justification for troops and more money.
Dude you have been saying this shit for about a week now and even if you are right. There is no way to prove it surface level to the normies and those sites you share again even if accurate can easily be discounted. It is a neat theory, but that is all it is at this point.
fuck off retard.
Depends, Is a retard like yourself trying to explain it?
and you and your precious feelings need to go down yourselves in an inch of piss and or corona which ever you can find first.
he gonna piss that jew off and force him to put him in jail.
who is demoalizing any one? Just think you and your thoughts and your ideas and beliefs are retarded.
agree. The people have to be shown that at every level their judicial system is corrupt, then they will have to be shown that the supreme court is also. Congress has already been shown to be stupid.
Well maybe if they stopped being genocidal baby killers for a minute. People would stop saying things.
oh you mean like the jews are smearing a whole group on the pavement including babies. GO fuck yourself baby killer.
Who is censoring? and why do I care about your fucking problem?
why are you still crying baby killer?
who is hating jews I have stated that Israel is guilty of war crimes. The soldiers are guilty of war crimes. The reason it is being talked about is because it is in the news. Now kindly shut your fucking baby killer mouth.
must suck to know the chosen people are nothing but filthy fucking murderers.