Anonymous ID: e4fa52 Oct. 31, 2023, 10:18 p.m. No.19840926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0930 >>1052 >>1151 >>1179 >>1184 >>1349 >>1357 >>1481

(No Fucking Way US Troops goes into Gaza Peace keeping BS! NO!)

1 Nov, 2023 02:54

US, Israel weighing peacekeepers for Gaza – Bloomberg

The allies are reportedly discussing the potential deployment of an international force in the Palestinian enclave


US and Israeli officials are mulling an international peacekeeping force for the Gaza Strip should Israel successfully remove Hamas from power, Bloomberg reported, suggesting American troops could take part in the deployment.


The two countries have been “exploring options” for Gaza’s future as Israel escalates its ground assault on the Palestinian enclave, including several different peacekeeping arrangements, officials familiar with the discussions told the outlet on Tuesday.


“One option would grant temporary oversight to Gaza to countries from the region,backed by troops from the US, UK, Germany and France. Ideally, it would also include representation from Arab nations such as Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates,”Bloomberg reported.


While the officials stressed that the conversations are still in an early stage, US Secretary of StateAntony Blinken hintedat the issue in recent comments to lawmakers, suggestingWashington is deeply involved in the planning.


“We can’t have a reversion to the status quo with Hamas running Gaza. We also can’t have – and the Israelis start with this proposition themselves – Israel running or controlling Gaza,” he said at a Tuesday Senate hearing. “Between those shoals are a variety of possible permutations that we’re looking at very closely now, as are other countries.”


Though Blinken did not elaborate on those possibilities, officials told Bloomberg that they also include the creation of a peacekeeping force modeled on the 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, under which the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) monitor areas of the Sinai Peninsula. The Israeli government believes that idea is “worthy of consideration,” one official said.


Under a third arrangement, the United Nations would be granted “temporary governance” of Gaza, although Israeli officials are reportedly less enthusiastic about the plan, viewing it as “impractical.” (The UN are Hamas sympathizers and supporters!)


In announcing Israel’s ongoing ground operation in the Palestinian enclave, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said the country was seeking to “destroy Hamas” and create a new “security regime.” He emphasized that Israel must not be responsible for “day-to-day life in the Gaza Strip,” suggesting it would seek to hand off governance to a third party.


US President Joe Biden is hesitant to place “even a small contingent of American troops in harm’s way,” and is still far from a final decision, according to Bloomberg. Though the White House has discussed theneed to establish a sovereign Palestinian stateafter the current conflict, exactly how to achieve that goal “has barely featured in discussions”among US officials. (That’s BS, Palestine never existed.)


The latest bout of violence in Gaza erupted following a deadly Hamas terrorist attack on October 7, which killed some 1,400 Israelis, most of them civilians. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have carried out heavy airstrikes on the territory in the weeks since, leaving more than 8,000 dead, and have gradually stepped up a major ground attack, which officials say could go on for months.


(This whole war was set up by the west to get a forced Palestinian State, Obama Dreamt of a Terrorist Neighbor, because there are not enough terrorist neighbors to start with around Israel. Guaranteed Obama worked with Qatar to start this war.)

Anonymous ID: e4fa52 Oct. 31, 2023, 11:13 p.m. No.19841020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1052 >>1151 >>1349 >>1357 >>1481

>>19840207, >>19840221 Is Joe always eating ice cream to ward off mental breakdown?PN


Is Ice-Cream Good For Dementia? Let’s Find Out!Mary OsborneJuly 21, 2022

According to Alzheimer’s Association caretaker Luciana Cramer: “never run out of ice cream” is the advice she gives to those dealing with senior citizens who have meltdowns at sundown. Help for caregivers and those with dementia who are suffering from Sundown Syndrome aka Sundowning. Sundown Syndrome is a condition affecting approximately66 percent of Alzheimer’s patients.


Sundowning experience hallucinations, extreme shifts in mood, and become distrustful, demanding, and even violent. (Thats why Joe’s dog bites, he probably beats the dog regularly) In addition to increased agitation, pacing, confusion, disorientation, anxiety, and disorientation are also some of the symptoms of Sundown Syndrome.There is a possibility that the person with dementia will yell and scream, get disoriented, and reject attempts to reorient them.(That’s why he can’t find his way on or off a stage)


Sundowning: Sundowning is a state of confusion one experiences in the afternoon. You can notice changes in the person’s behaviour in the late afternoon or evening. the individual could experience acute anxiety, agitation, hallucinations, or delusions during this moment. This is commonly referred to as “sundowning,” however it isnot necessarily associated with the sun going down or restricted to the late afternoon or evening hours.


Although__sundowning can occur at any stage of dementia, it ismost prevalent during the middle stage and latter stagesof the disease__.

Causes. A few examples could be:

Unmet physical requirements such as exhaustion, hunger, or discomfort

A lack ofsunlight exposure(aha the beach in Delaware) during the day.


Anxiety and depression:It doesn’t matter what time of day it is;some of these can happen at any moment. First, find out which of these issues is causing the person’s symptoms,


How Can Ice-Cream Help People With Dementia?: Dementia impairs a person’s ability to process information in their brain. A person with dementia may find it difficult to carry out simple daily tasks, even if they were enjoyable before the onset of the disease. So preparing for a weekend getaway, are irritating to dementia Joe! (It’s all week long for him)

As a result of daily routines, there is a loss in the ability to stay awake for long periods.


Dementia causes the brain to exhaust earlier, making it more difficult to process information at the end of the day. Consequently, a large number of people display indicators of fatigue. (Joe has sundowners all day and night.) When someone has Alzheimer’s, they get more irritated by everyday situations.. However, as dementia progresses, these emotions are more difficult to manage and cope with. As a result, they will show it in some way, and you may see behavioural episodes occur…


  1. Determine And Reduce Potential Stressors Before Moving on to The Next Phase: Take charge by figuring out what’s wrong, in particular that is stressing them out? Is your loved one startled by seeing something that’s not really there?(hallucination)


  1. Reassure Them: Make sure they know it’s alright by saying, “You are safe with me. Assure them that everything is fine, that you are here with them, that you will assist them…


3.The Final Step is Ice Cream!:There is no doubt about it: yes, ice cream. Ice cream can be very nostalgic!Each of us probably has our favourite flavour, which is calming and delectable. When people with dementia think of ice cream, they recall brighter, warmer days spent with family and friends. Whenever you get a new scoop, it stimulates pleasure receptors in the brain, erasing all the frustration-related unpleasant feelings. Use it to calm a restless mind and promote positive emotions. Figure out what flavour your loved one’s favourite ice cream is, and make sure you never run out of it while caring for them if they have dementia.


The Bottom Line:Sundowning tends to repeat itself at a similar time each day and in the same place.

Anonymous ID: e4fa52 Oct. 31, 2023, 11:25 p.m. No.19841040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1043 >>1052 >>1151 >>1349 >>1357 >>1481

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


This is why you should pray every day SCOTUS overturns DOJ's use of 1512(c)(2) against 300+ J6ers including Trump.


Obama appointee Chris Cooperwho married a top aide to Eric Holder, wedding presided over by Merrick Garlanddismisses defense attorney who cited numerous examples of disruptive even violent protests in Congress to show selective prosecution on obstruction count.


I watched him in action a few weeks ago. He is as arrogant and entitled as you'd expect reading this order. Claimed 60 lawsuits determined no election fraud. He also has claimed 4 police officers died on January 6.


Solicitor General yesterday filed opposition to cert petitions before SCOTUS to reverse "splintered" appellate court ruling to uphold 1512c2 in J6 cases. Cooper smugly doubt SCOTUS will review and further doubts SCOTUS will reverse what he LAUGHABLY calls "well settled law."


In her dissent in 2nd appeal, Judge Karen Henderson blasted Cooper for not dismissing 1512 for Jeremy Groseclose, accused of no violent crime. Cooper stretched law to include political speech as proof he acted "corruptly."


Justice for J6ers begins with SCOTUS overturning 1512 and inflicting permanent intuitional damage to DOJ and federal court in Washington.


If SCOTUS does,Congress will be OBLIGATED to hold DOJ and judges (at least 12) accountable for destroying so many lives over this:

Anonymous ID: e4fa52 Oct. 31, 2023, 11:28 p.m. No.19841043   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We do need to pray because this could be the overturning of all corrupt. Judges rulingsand the J6ers could sue Joe Bidan, Garland, Wray and the entire federal gov!

Anonymous ID: e4fa52 Oct. 31, 2023, 11:32 p.m. No.19841050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1053 >>1059 >>1126 >>1151 >>1349 >>1357 >>1481

Roseanne Boyland died from beating at the hands of J6 cops, not drug overdose… family speaks out to correct the record…


October 31, 2023 (a day ago)

Epoch Times:

Thirty-three months after their daughter Rosanne Boyland’s tragic death at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Bret and Cheryl Boyland feel new pain every time a media outlet publishes the false claim that their daughter died of a drug overdose.

On Oct. 12, a prominent national newspaper wrote that Ms. Boyland “died of what was determined to be a methamphetamine overdose.”

Within a day, that claim spread all over the internet, even appearing as a snippet on the website of the Merriam-Webster dictionary under the word “die.” A week later, the newspaper corrected the error, but the family said the damage was done—again.


The Boylands challenged the amphetamine finding, eventually hiring an independent forensic pathologist who said Ms. Boyland most likely died of compressional asphyxia, not from Adderall or illegal drugs.


Getting anyone to listen has been a never-ending battle.

Anonymous ID: e4fa52 Oct. 31, 2023, 11:35 p.m. No.19841059   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Remember the 6 or 7 Police from DC or Capitol police that committed suicide, they probably did it from the sheer guilt, why does that woman police that beat Boyland to death commit suicide or get charged. The videos of her killing Boyland was prima facia evidence?

Anonymous ID: e4fa52 Oct. 31, 2023, 11:41 p.m. No.19841066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1071 >>1072 >>1151 >>1349 >>1357 >>1481

31 Oct, 2023 21:35

Pentagon announces ICBM test

The US military has set its latest Minuteman III missile launch to “showcase” its nuclear capability


The Pentagon has announced the latest test of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile, saying the ICBM will be launched to demonstrate the capability of the US nuclear arsenal.


The launch will take place on Wednesday at the Vandenberg Space Force Base in Southern California, Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Pat Ryder said on Tuesday in a press briefing. He noted that the silo-launched missile will be tested without a warhead attached.


“This launch showcases the redundancy and reliability of our strategic-deterrence system while sending a visible message of assurance to allies,” Ryder told reporters.


The test comes less than two months after the US Air Force Global Strike Command launched a Minuteman III from the same base. Like the last launch, Wednesday’s test is described as prescheduled and “routine.”However, it comes amid rising geopolitical tensions as the Russia-Ukraine conflict drags on, the Israel-Hamas war escalates, and US-China relations continue to deteriorate.


Washington canceled or delayed at least two ICBM tests last year, citing concerns about potential “misunderstandings” with Russia and China. An August 2022 launch was delayed because it would have come at the same time that Chinese forces were holding drills off the coast of Taiwan. Four months earlier, the Pentagon said it had canceled a Minuteman III test because “it would be irresponsible” to disregard the risks of escalating the Ukraine crisis at a time when Russian nuclear forces were on high alert.


The Minuteman III was first deployed in 1970 and was originally meant to be in service for only about ten years, but it has instead been modernized. Its replacement, the Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD), is scheduled to be available for use in 2029, but Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall told US lawmakers earlier this year that it will be a “challenge” to have the new ICBM ready in time.


Ryder also updated reporters on the recent spate of drone and rocket attacks on US bases in the Middle East, which the Pentagon has blamed on Iranian-backed militias. He said there had been 27 attacks, including 16 in Iraq and 11 in Syria. He said six of the attacks occurred after the US launched airstrikes against two facilities in eastern Syria allegedly used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps last week. None of the attacks since that time have injured US troops or damaged infrastructure at US bases.


“We know that these groups are funded, trained, sponsored by the Iranian government, and we hold the Iranian government responsible for that,” Ryder said.