Suck it, bitches!
Suck it, bitches!
>Why would you like such a sack of shit so much?
Because he triggers sacks of shit like you?
Do you live around libtards, communists, and/or foreigners?
I mean, I'll level with ya…the stupid fucks refused to expel Schiff, who's probably a fucking pedophile and at least 10 times the POS Santos may be, so yeah, if you want to play up the "innocent until proven guilty" routine, it has to apply to everyone. You see them doing anything to Menendez? Fuck them all, but the controlled oppo Repubs always get thrown to the dogs, it seems, as part of some humiliation ritual against the image of the oh so pious "Biblethumping" Conservatives. Alinsky said something like make your enemies live up to their own rules. Okay. Let the voters decide. Maybe. It's NY anyway…they're fucking retarded.
Fucking really? Just use a spackle scraper kek. No fingerprints, no boo boos.