>Palestine has never been a country.
next you'll tell us native americans didn't own north or south america
cuz, you know, dey had no deeds
KYS, you POS
>Palestine has never been a country.
next you'll tell us native americans didn't own north or south america
cuz, you know, dey had no deeds
KYS, you POS
the palestinians are the ONLY semitic people living in israel/palestine
the jews are all khazarians
so the people playing the antisemitic victim card
are the ones slaughering the only actual semitic people in the area
you're an ASSHAT who wants to play semantic word games
doesn't it all come down to how you DEFINE country?
ONE group of people have lived there for 100 generations
who owned the land there for 100 generations
who share a common language
who share a common ancestry
who share a common IDENTITY
but according to pretentious FUCKWITS like YOU
they're not a country, bcs foreigners refused to recognize their soverign rights
eat shit and die, nigger