Anonymous ID: ca547d Nov. 1, 2023, 8:15 p.m. No.19846308   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The thing that stands out about that whole thing to me is that:

  1. That, "secret" hideaway offices exist at all.

  2. That she complained that it was a, "sharp departure from tradition."


My guess is, those offices performed some kind of secondary function that is either not immediately apparent and/or not well known but to a few. Why did she offer "bigger" offices? That sounds like a ploy to use someones pride as means to divert them from something you don't want to happen.

Anonymous ID: ca547d Nov. 1, 2023, 8:57 p.m. No.19846485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I know it's sort of off topic, but lately I've been getting tired of all the bullshit, don't we have anti-trust laws on the books? They have pretty much eliminated market competition by running the small mom and pop places out of business and only allowing the huge corporate conglomerations to exist. Many or most of whom are owned by non-Americans who may not have our best interests at heart if ya know what I mean.

Anonymous ID: ca547d Nov. 1, 2023, 9:13 p.m. No.19846541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6569 >>6579 >>6582


Look stupid, I didn't write history. The region was originally called Judea.


In 132 the emperor Hadrian decided to build a Roman colony, Aelia Capitolina, on the site of Jerusalem. The announcement of his plan, as well as his ban on circumcision (revoked later, but only for the Jews), provoked a much more serious uprising, the Second Jewish Revolt, led by Bar Kokhba. It was ruthlessly repressed by Julius Severus; according to certain accounts, almost 1,000 villages were destroyed and more than half a million people killed. In Judaea proper the Jews seem to have been virtually exterminated, but they survived in Galilee, which, like Samaria, appears to have held aloof from the revolt. Tiberias in Galilee became the seat of the Jewish patriarchs. The province of Judaea was renamed Syria Palaestina (later simply called Palaestina), and, according to Eusebius of Caeseria (Ecclesiastical History, Book IV, chapter 6), no Jew was thenceforth allowed to set foot in Jerusalem or the surrounding district.



Anonymous ID: ca547d Nov. 1, 2023, 9:16 p.m. No.19846559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6574


People who lived there? You mean like the Edomites who cheered on the Roman soldiers as they smashed babies heads on the rocks? Gee, I wonder who back filled the void when most of the Israelites got bounced? Their ancient enemy Edom?