Santos is corrupt af
Took tons of money from his campaign fund
Why would you like such a sack of shit so much?
Santos is corrupt af
Took tons of money from his campaign fund
Why would you like such a sack of shit so much?
Don't know what you're referring to.
I'm not Jewish & I don't follow Santos (see he's a piece of shit).
Wanna call me shill next?
Keking hard audible at (you)
>why would you be mad?
I'm not, I think he's a thieving piece of shit.
Never heard of him before, first time seeing him try to defend himself on camera almost made me sick.
Biggest reason I dislike him, he's a pole smoker & call me racist Idgaf, flaming faggots make me puke!
Kek if you say so.
The normies are so dumb because they refuse to awake from their long slumber. I mean now knowing what Wilson symbolizes this actually makes me sick just how blind they are.
The more you know…