Oct 7th was a Satanic sacrifice.
Just as Sept.11th was.
That leaves one question…
Which group of Satanists are you backing?
As for me and my house,
We will serve Yeshua.
Oct 7th was a Satanic sacrifice.
Just as Sept.11th was.
That leaves one question…
Which group of Satanists are you backing?
As for me and my house,
We will serve Yeshua.
They are witches.
Had in-laws involved in my former life.
Witnessed one of their ceremonies first-hand.
Women marching in a star formation, while carrying lit candles.
Ahh, thanks for the clarification.
Yes, I have no doubt that witches and warlocks run D.C.
As they do most governments in the world.
Remember the old fairy tales about witches eating children?
Seems to have more basis in fact than most are capable of accepting.
Do you truly believe that the various groups mentioned (excepting followers of Christ and Yahweh), came by their beliefs innocently?
All have deception at their root.
Hallmark of Satan.
If the shoe fits.
The difference between Christianity and ALL other religions is this…
The others teach man how to get to God/Paradise through their own good works.
Christianity teaches it’s impossible for man to do so, thus requiring God to step in and make a way… Jesus.