Hoots are German, they speak low German, they left Europe because the Jews were pushing industrialism on them, the beginnings of the NAZI party was farmers telling Jews to fuck off….my great grandfather owned a huge vineyard in Bavaria but the kikes kept vandalizing it until he sold, now it’s a parking lot.
Anabaptists pay cash for everything and hospitals and doctors give them a discount
So I identify as Amish when I go to a healthcare provider and ask for the religious discount……and they give it to me, kek
I’m starting to think Satan has a twisted sense of humor
You can have fame and fortune, but you gotta marry the ugliest woman on the planet
Kek….how many niggers reneged on Pell grants
If a Jew files a lawsuit in the forest, does anyone care?
How much has been spent on the Mideast shithole
Nuke the whole region