Anonymous ID: 7820d4 Nov. 2, 2023, 10:45 a.m. No.19849288   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Universe in which you reside IS/HAS an intelligence beyond that which you are presently able to comprehend …






Does it understand our words?


Not in so far as language, be it Swedish, English, Russian etc. It understands your VIBRATIONAL FEELING as you SAY YOUR WORDS. When you ‘ask’ for something, you think about it and you visualise a picture of it in your mind. Telepathy works this way. The picture can then be interpreted because of the FEELING that goes with it.


In the case of your desires for your house … i.e. near water, a view etc. … the Universe will then find the ‘match’ for you and then bring you toward that Vibrational match that you have asked for.


So, for those looking for the ideal partner, the Universe is a bit like your Ultimate dating agency!


Correct. Where/why one falls short … is by bringing in the doubts and the ‘what if’s’ and the ‘I’m not good enough’s’ and the ‘I don’t deserve it’ mentality.


Immediately the Universe will respond to your thought/feelings that you put out to it. So, once it picks up on the Vibrational Energy of ‘I am not good enough’ etc … it will serve you as you have asked it to, and how it has understood you … by not bringing these desired things to you, because you told it, that’s how it was.


ANYTHING YOU WANT … ANYTHING YOU DESIRE … and we will add ‘if it serves your soul’ … can be given unto you.


Who decides whether or not it serves your soul?




I thought that would be your answer. Let’s jump right in down that rabbit hole shall we? I’m confused! I thought, someone may want something, say a particular job, and they don’t get it … and they get upset because they thought it would be ideal in many aspects for their soul. Yet, further down the track, something better presents itself and they get THAT and they THEN realise why they didn’t get the other job. Yet, that’s THEN. How could THEY have decided that the original job would not serve their soul, when they didn’t know that at the time? If you get me?


We do. Because, Blossom … there is also in place … along with a million trillion other aspects and workings in just one individual life span … a ‘flow’ … that allows the desired dreams to keep on track.


We would show it like a running stream of your life … along that stream one may come across a large rock that has ‘dropped’ in … not only does this/can this block the flow … it can also divide the flow into two streams for a while.


The Higher self knows which is the best way around the rock in order to get one back in the original flow as soon as possible … and one’s gut feeling/intuition will allow them to see this through.


Yet, that doesn’t make sense as to the ‘wanting of that job’ at the time and feeling it would have served well.


Yes, it does, because the Higher intuition is taking over. The lower ego-self … ‘thinking’ it knows best … is the one that is feeling forlorn, and yet, by TRUSTING that THE HIGHER SELF knows best … one soon realises that this is indeed so … and ‘LIFE’ will lead you onto something better.


So, does the Universe not have a say in ones decisions? Is it ONLY our Higher self?


We must interrupt there. We would, with respect, correct you on ‘ONLY our Higher self’ … for it would seem that was not enough, when put like that.


I get that … for I was imagining The Universe was in conjunction with all our lives and what happens within them.


The Universe … WITHOUT QUESTION … is in place to serve you. Whatever you ask for … it will give you. It responds to YOU … to your feelings and to your VIBRATIONAL ENERGY.


It does not judge … it does not question your desires or that which you ‘think’ you may need … it simply reacts to your Vibration.


If you are feeling low … and allow that Vibration to be with you and around you for a while … the Universe will provide you with that which matches your feelings.


If you are as High as a kite on Life and exuding Joy … The Universe will give you more of the same to thrive on. It dances alongside you … no matter what the request. This is how it is in design.


It is impeccably accurate.


One is so quick to blame one’s particular feelings on another’s behaviour etc … and yet ONLY YOU … are in control of your feelings. Only YOU decide how you are going to choose to feel at any given time.