Suddenly chubby Taylor was the replacement.
October 31, 1517
October 31 should be the day Christians celebrate the beginning of Protestantism.
I wonder WHO could be behind making it a satanic holiday?
Beck was raised Roman Catholic.
The switch to Mormon was likely some Jesuit intrigue. He bragged on his radio show in 2008 that he got a special invitation from the Jesuits to visit the Vatican archives in Rome. A rare priviledge.
Rothschild = Britain.
How many times did the clues lead back to Britain during the Steele Dossier, Trump/Russian spy hoax?
Was Britain involved?
On black and white orthochromatic film red appears black. The other colors will be varying shades of grey. Now look at the star beside "Taylor" and compare it to the two stars in the image to the right.
It would be a shame if she should disappear during that helicopter ride over the ocean.