Anonymous ID: dc4d00 Nov. 2, 2023, 10:43 a.m. No.19849287   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19848107, >>19848105, >>19848118 Nancy Pelosi announces on House floor she was SERVED with subpoena , reportedly related to case in which her husband was assaulted by a hammer-wielding home invaderPN


18 Total Q posts with subpoena in them


Is this one related to Nancy’s subpoena?


18-Oct-2020 12:45:19 AM EDT


Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records?

Death blow?

Pandora's 'political elite' box?




07-Oct-2020 10:13:48 PM EDT


Why did Paul Ryan refuse [block] all subpoena requests by R committee chairs?

What is thegoing rate for THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE to obstruct Congressional investigationsfor the purposes of delaying and/or eliminating its findings? [protect]

Why did Paul Ryan initially refuse to be Speaker?

What was coming?

Why did Paul Ryan retire at such a young age?



11-JUN-2020 (THU)


11-Jun-2020 12:41:49 PM EDT


Committee approved [12-10] [today].

Why it matters: Graham now has sweeping authority to subpoena documents and more than 50 individuals related to the Russia investigation, including former FBI director James Comey, former CIA director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.



20-MAY-2020 (WED)


20-May-2020 1:43:51 PM EDT


"Meanwhile, Democrats on the Homeland Security Committee have decried the investigation and the subpoena, arguing that they should be focusing on coronavirus-related issues during the ongoing pandemic and prioritize it over politics."

In a letter sent to Johnson on Tuesday, Sen. Kamala Harris of California renewed her calls for another COVID-19 hearing, noting that the committee hasn't held one since early March.

DNC media [MSM] echo-chamber push?



Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION?



10-MAY-2020 (SUN)


10-May-2020 1:07:52 AM EDT




Why did [Hussein] shadow POTUS re: [F] trips?

Why did [Kerry] shadow POTUS re: Iran?

Why did [Kerry] shadow POTUS re: [CLAS 1-99]?

Why did [McMaster] target and remove loyal intel operatives inside WH?

Why did [McMaster] prevent declas-disclose to Congress?

Why did [Coats] prevent declas-disclose to Congress?

Why did [Bolton] prevent decals-disclose to Congress?

Why did [Ryan] prevent Subpoena power of (R) Congress?

Why did [Rosenstein] work to entrap and install blockade [SC]?

Why did [Rosenstein] install [Mueller] knowing zero evidence of Russia collusion?

Why did [Mueller] attempt to retake FBI DIR position?

Why did [Mueller][Rosenstein] drag out SC investigation if known no Russia collusion pre + start?

Why did select members of [NSC][Vindman] actively leak to MSM?

Why did select members of [NSC][Vindman] orchestrate fake whistleblower report w/ [Schiff][Atkinson][CLAS 1-9] to sabotage and initiate impeachment?

Why did [Pelosi] rush impeachment investigation?

Why did [Pelosi] then hold impeachment article(s) until Jan 15?

Why did [Schiff] push false 'Russia evidence' narrative post closed door interviews [no evidence of collusion]?

Why did [Schiff] coordinate w/ WH NSC [through proxy] to arrange for Ukraine whistleblower?

Why did [Schiff] actively leak knowingly false statements during-post classified sessions to MSM?

Why did [Schiff] illegally surveil [phone] members of WH legal team, media, and Congress?

What Pentagon officials [CLAS 1-99 _subject] tendered resignation within a 2 week period?

Why did [Omarosa Manigault Newman] attempt to entrap POTUS through secret and illegal recordings?

Why did [Soros] finance anti-POTUS events and organizations across US?

Why did [CLAS 1-99] organize and push propaganda [smear] campaign through use of MSM & Hollywood?

[CLAS 1-99][F]

[CLAS 1-99][F]

[CLAS 1-99][F]

[CLAS 1-99][F]

[CLAS 1-99]

[CLAS 1-99]

[CLAS 1-99]

[CLAS 1-99]

[CLAS 1-99] x 49




What are they trying to prevent?

Who are they trying to protect?


Anonymous ID: dc4d00 Nov. 2, 2023, 10:56 a.m. No.19849316   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Royce White: The 14th Amendment’s Been Weaponized By The Elite Against President TrumpHe makes a good point, lawfare will not stop at Trump. MN is now going for booting Trump, but it doesn’t stop there, because Republicans there want to boot all MAGA republicans



Anonymous ID: dc4d00 Nov. 2, 2023, 10:59 a.m. No.19849330   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kash Patel: Biden’s Middle East Intelligence Failure Was “Intentional”, Jack Smith’s Bluff Exposed. Gov Gangsters in US and Intelligence have set us up for another World War




1 hour ago

Anonymous ID: dc4d00 Nov. 2, 2023, 11:27 a.m. No.19849430   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brandon Straka: The WalkAway movement is going strong, minorities and others are connecting and joining the WalkAway movement for Trump, not RINO republicans or democrats. Five years of the WalkAway movement. There is an App now to join walkawaysocial, and an event in Palm Beach, Friday Nov 10th for the anniversary. Scott Pressler and Straka have educated 100s of 1000s to walk away from the establishment Democrats and Republicans, the Uniparty. WWG1WGA



Anonymous ID: dc4d00 Nov. 2, 2023, 11:30 a.m. No.19849442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9469

Hazony: An Israeli Ceasefire Must Be Leveraged To Release All Hostages Vs. Their “Relentless Foe”. Good history and understanding of what is really happening.



Anonymous ID: dc4d00 Nov. 2, 2023, 11:41 a.m. No.19849469   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is really fascinating, neo marxism is taught in universities propaganda and uses“who are the oppressed and who is the oppressor?”, anything is justified with violence, etc if they label you “the oppressor”

Anonymous ID: dc4d00 Nov. 2, 2023, 12:05 p.m. No.19849564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9597

Frank Gaffney Joins WarRoom To DiscussThe Lack Of Intelligence Operations In Israel. Wray is useless, he tells the Senate the FBI is not tracking Terrorist groups, they are tracking violent extremists meaning MAGA. They don’t or won’t admit who are really committing Jihad against us. The Muslim Brotherhood is intentionally not being named or even tracked.



Anonymous ID: dc4d00 Nov. 2, 2023, 12:29 p.m. No.19849664   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good, Eric Adams will be revealed for his corruption, but noticeably, his fundraiser was only raided after he started complaining and demanding a solution from the Bidan regime about illegal aliens.This is revenge prosecution by Bidan admin!


Almost guaranteed the FBI knew all about this corruption a long time ago, so the only question iswhy did it happen when he was going to DC to discuss the illegals?

Anonymous ID: dc4d00 Nov. 2, 2023, 1:02 p.m. No.19849839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9847 >>9851 >>9858

BREAKING: Multiple New Jersey Dems charged with election fraud crimes involving mail-in ballots…

November 2, 2023 (16 hours ago).1/2


The media and the uni-party regime have repeatedly assured us that our elections are “fair and free,” dismissing any notion or whisper of election fraud. And they claim that even if such fraud exists, it’s so insignificant that it couldn’t possibly sway a national election. Yet, it’s clear that a vast portion of the US population isn’t buying what the regime is peddling; as numerous polls show, a majority of Americans believe there was some form of cheating that impacted the 2020 election.


And now, with time bringing more clarity, we’re seeing an increasing number of fraud cases emerging across the country. In one instance, a judge in Connecticut recently ordered a new Democrat primary for a mayoral race, shining yet another spotlight on “ballot stuffing.”


But this issue isn’t confined to Connecticut, Michigan, or any of the other states where serious election fraud has been exposed. A major story is now unfolding in New Jersey, where Democrat operatives have been arrested for election fraud involving mail-in ballots—the Dems’ new favorite tool.


Here’s what Collin Rugg reported on X:


NEW: Multiple New Jersey Democrats have been charged with election fraud crimes involving mail in ballots. Paterson City Council President Alex Mendez was indicted for alleged crimes committedduring the 2020 election.


Mendez allegedly supervised an operation that stole mail in ballots from mailboxes and replaced the ones that were not for him. His wife and two others were also charged. New Jersey Attorney General Matt Platkin says Mendez was seen emptying a “large, heavy bag, completely filled with ballots” into a mailbox.


“The defendants are accused of attempting to rig an election in their favor and to deprive the voters of Paterson of having their voices heard,” Platkin said.


“The functioning of democracy relies on voters’ trust that their votes count and those votes determine the outcomes of elections.” Mendez was able to commit this alleged fraud due to the fact that all ballots were mail-in thanks to the pandemic.


The photos below show Mendez with high profile Democrats including Bill Clinton, Cory Booker and Whoopi Goldberg.


I thought mail-in-ballots were safe and secure?


These days, all Democrat questionable election “victories” seem to rely on mail-in ballots.…

Anonymous ID: dc4d00 Nov. 2, 2023, 1:03 p.m. No.19849847   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Just the News:


According to the attorney general’s office, Paterson City Council President Alex Mendez (D) is facing additional charges in a 2020 election fraud case, after having previously been charged in June 2020 and February 2021.


On Wednesday, Platkin announced that new charges have been brought against Mendez and his associates regarding mail-in ballot election fraud, which occurred during the 2020 election that was mostly conducted by mail.


Before the May 2020 election, in which Mendez was running for city council, he allegedly collected many mail-in ballots from households over several days in violation of state law, according to the attorney general’s office. While New Jersey law allows a “bearer” to return a completed ballot for a voter, candidates in elections are not allowed to collect and return ballots for the voters in the district of the race they are running in.


According to Platkin’s office, Mendez’s campaign allegedly collected ballots that were not sealed by voters and examined them at the campaign headquarters to see if they were cast for Mendez. Ballots that were not cast for Mendez were allegedly destroyed and replaced with a ballot for him. The replacement ballots were allegedly stolen from voters’ mailboxes.


One of Mendez’s associates allegedly took ballots from mailboxes in areas that were known to have many supporters of Mendez’s opponent, the attorney general’s office said. Also, if voters turned over ballots that were incomplete, Mendez’s campaign workers would allegedly complete them.


About a week before the May 2020 election, Mendez allegedly observed someone empty a large bag filled with ballots into a mailbox in the neighboring municipality of Haledon, according to Platkin’s office. Approximately a week later, Mendez’s campaign attorney sent a letter to the Passaic County Board of Elections to urge them to count the ballots from Haledon, despite allegedly knowing that they had been illegally obtained and submitted to the county.


We’ve seen this scenario unfold in various forms over the years, especially since “mail-in ballots” have been utilized to their advantage by the regime. It’s quite a clever operation they’ve got going. Amid the chaos of a deluge of ballots, it becomes nearly impossible to keep track of everything. Consequently, many things slip through the cracks, and that appears to be by design.

Anonymous ID: dc4d00 Nov. 2, 2023, 1:16 p.m. No.19849892   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hunter Biden’s little game is up…

November 2, 2023 (16 hours ago)


Hunter Biden’s little game looks to be coming to an end. The phrase “the walls are closing in” couldn’t be more appropriate; Hunter is about to face some tough questions regarding his questionable business dealings, especially those involving his father. Should he refuse to answer and plead the Fifth, both his so-called “credibility” and the entire Biden crime family will be placed under even more intense scrutiny and will lose any hope of winning in the court of public opinion, which is where some of the most intense battles are now being fought.Hunter is the fuel that will keep the Biden scandals alive.


Much of this renewed interest in Hunter is courtesy of our new Speaker, Mike Johnson.


The Hill:


Newly electedSpeaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said Sunday he is “looking at” subpoenaing President Biden’s son,Hunter Biden, in connection to the House’s investigations into the Biden family’s foreign business dealings. (He better not say this if not serious, as a matter of fact he shouldn’t announce and just do it!Telling the enemy your plans its guaranteed to be sabotaged!)


Asked on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures” if he is expecting to subpoena Hunter Biden, Johnson said, “I’m looking at that. I think that desperate times call for desperate measures, and that perhaps is overdue.”


Noting a “full decision” has not yet been made, Johnson said he is counseling with the attorneys involved while pointing to his own experience as a lawyer. (Same thing Comer and Johnson did, this is a hopium recharge.)


We’re tryingto move forward on some of this very aggressively,” Johnson said. “I think the American people are owed these answers. And I think our suspicions about all this, the evidence that we have gathered so far, as you know, is affirming what many of us feared may be the worst.”


Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced last month he was moving to launch an official impeachment inquiry into Biden following House Republicans’ widespread investigations into Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.


However, there’s more to this story than just Mike Johnson’s interest in Hunter.Rep. Comer, who has been diligently investigating the Biden crime circuit, has now confirmed that a subpoena is indeed on the way.The reason? Bank records and a “mountain” of evidence.


Every fair-minded person wants to see Hunter and the Biden family face the justice they deserve, but so far, all we’ve heard is talk and no action from the Republicans. As it currently stands, we need—and deserve—to see some major heads roll.


(If Johnson does false promises like all the rest, I will have no faith in him. Just DO Dude! Even if Congress succeeds, the DOJ and FBI will never prosecute any of them.)

Anonymous ID: dc4d00 Nov. 2, 2023, 1:25 p.m. No.19849929   🗄️.is 🔗kun

British sniper killed in Ukraine seven months after posting defiant message

Craig MunroThursday 2 Nov 2023 3:13 pm


An ex-British Army sniper who travelled to Ukraine to ‘defend the weak and the needy’ after Russia’s invasion last year has been killed. Christopher Perryman, known as Pezz, died almost seven months after he posted a defiant warning to his opponents on the battlefield via social media.


On April 1, he wrote:‘Beware an old man in a profession where men die young.’


According to a tribute from his family posted on X, formerly Twitter,the 38-year-oldwas killed in an operation on October 24 while fighting alongside other Western volunteers.


Perryman, originally from Newcastle-on-Tyne, had first gone to Ukraine shortly after Russia invaded in February last year, after serving in the British Army as a platoon sergeant.


He made the journey after becoming fed up with his job as a security guard protecting HS2 from environmental protesters.In an interview with i last year, he said: ‘Yes, I signed an oath of allegiance to defend the Queen and Britain, but my oath doesn’t just stop with defending my country.


‘I signed an oath to defend the weak and the needy and people who need help. ‘In Ukraine, we were fighting every day for all of those people getting killed every day unnecessarily. It does give you a reason to fight harder.’


He was injured last year, but returned to Ukraine after spending his recovery back in the UK.


According to an interview in the Spectator, he completed four missions along the Dnipro river between December and April, travelling from island to island on a speedboat. Perryman, whose 11-year-old son back in the UK believed he was simply training Ukrainian troops, is now among at least 11 British nationals who have been killed after travelling to fight in the country.


The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office advises against all travel to Ukraine due to the risks.


A comment from his sister was posted on social media by one of his fellow soldiers.


It said: ‘Last night our hearts were shattered and our world torn apart… we lost Pezz Perryman. ‘He died a true hero, fighting a war that was never his to fight.


‘I don’t think we as a family will ever get over this. He went to Ukraine to help others, and it cost him his life. ‘A soldier through and through born and bred, may u sleep well my brother you have took a piece of me with you!’