Pro-Palestine protesters have vandalized monuments including:
Andrew Jackson’s statue in front of the White House.
The General Marquis de Lafayette Statue in Lafayette Park.
Benjamin Franklin’s statue.
The White House barrier and others.
Pro-Palestine protesters have vandalized monuments including:
Andrew Jackson’s statue in front of the White House.
The General Marquis de Lafayette Statue in Lafayette Park.
Benjamin Franklin’s statue.
The White House barrier and others.
>They have likely been identified, and there is plenty of time to lock them up.
Oh sure just as all the illegals are being tracked for deportation. Forgive my old man kek but are you fucking serious? Most had scarves covering their faces young buck. Those that didn't will MOS CERTAINLY recieve a pass this time & future instances. Prove me wrong.
>They will protect that House at all costs
Think so? I'm not so sure they wouldn't get stand down orders.
Kek, so in a year and some change…do you understand this is nothing of what's to come.
Think scae event. Shits about to hit the fan hard.
Not anon paranoid but observant. I
'm comfy & ready, but don't kid yourself with nonsense fren
kek been a while since I've been called that.
What was it the low post count? Just jumped on.
So you don't know how either, got it "newfag"
Tyvm for answering Flint, I've no intent on BV but have baked in the past, how would you know whose who? Just observing similarities in posting? Reason is when I bake I try not to post except for notes & questions directed to baker.
But you think after all this time that would get them to break their silence? Picrel
>The fact that 8chan did NOTHING wrong didn't stop it from being deplatformed
Ummm that was Cloudflae which we aren't on here at kun
You like to use "his son" alot BO, anon has noticed.
Are you Flint unaware of Ron's name or his handle CMZ (code monkey z)?
Or are you him returning under guise? 🤔