Anonymous ID: 5b2d28 Nov. 4, 2023, 7:32 p.m. No.19863048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19862343 (LB)

(This is also for you stupid podcasters who say nothing happened in October)


The synod isn't over and the document isn't final. These things take longer than that. The synod will meet again in a year. This synod had a lot of UN fags, environment fags and Soros Fags in attendance.


They confirmed no girl deacons and no girl priests.


The synod was basically going towards decentralizing power and making more power for the Laity. It's taken with a grain of salt because us rad trads think it's going to cause more infiltration and schism to be a means to some commie end.


It is suspected they'll use infiltrators to try to force the blessing the marriage of sodomites.


Begin rant:


There's a reason why the trads are targeted. There's a reason why Bergoglio has restricted the TLM. There's a reason why the FBI targeted the trads, and it's not just because of abortion. It's because fuck communism, fuck heretics, and fuck tyrants.


The history of the most recent feast day (last week of October on the old Liturgical calendar), "The Feast of Christ the King" is anti-communist, anti secular, and anti tyrant. I think it had something to do with Marxists executing Archbishop Georges Darboy as well.


We sing hymns about it. Look up "Te Seculorum Principem"

It's usually sung in Gregorian Chant during vespers but now during the TLM since a church singing Vespers is really rare unfortunately.


The Latin Translation goes like this:


  1. Thou, Prince of all ages, Thou, O Christ, the King of the nations,

we acknowledge Thee the one Judge of all hearts and minds.


  1. The wicked mob screams out. "We don't want Christ as king,"

While we, with shouts of joy, hail Thee as the world's supreme King.


  1. O Christ, peace-bringing Prince, subjugate the rebellious minds:

And in Thy love, bring together in one flock those going astray.


  1. For this, with arms outstretched, Thou hung, bleeding, on the Cross,

and the cruel spear that pierced Thee, showed man a Heart burning with love.


  1. For this, Thou art hidden on our altars under the form of bread and wine,

and pour out on Thy children from Thy pierced side the grace of salvation.


  1. May the rulers of the world publicly honor and extol Thee; May teachers and judges reverence Thee;

May the laws express Thine order and the arts reflect Thy beauty.


  1. May kings find renown in their submission and dedication to Thee.

Bring under Thy gentle rule our country and our homes.


  1. Glory be to Thee, O Jesus, supreme over all secular authorities;

And glory be to the Father and the loving Spirit through endless ages.




V. His empire shall be multiplied.

R. And there shall be no end of peace.