Anonymous ID: 6f6deb Nov. 4, 2023, 5:52 p.m. No.19862719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3061 >>3179

NOW I understand what Q meant when he said: "We're in a movie". Everything that is happening right now has been scripted and directed with actors! Tell me the gargoyle judge in New York and his prosecution lawyers isn't a an act in the play. Tell me what's going on in Israel & Gaza isn't an act in the play. Tell me the 2-bit attorneys arguing to keep Trump of the ballot and the oh so soft spoken woman judge aren't actors in the play!


It's come down to this. PUBLIC RELATIONS. Remember, the KING of PR, Edward Bernays, was upset when [they] made him change the name of PROPAGANDA to 'public relations'. There's even a video of his complaining about that.

Anonymous ID: 6f6deb Nov. 4, 2023, 6:44 p.m. No.19862903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mike Johnson has TRIGGERED them bigly. He just got them to create a new ism: CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM. And, at the same time: up popped Christian Nationalism SCHOLARS. Yep, both the new term and it's scholars came upon us YESTERDAY. In fact, Ari on msnbc just interviewed one of those scholars on his show. A ditzy woman. She almost told Ari that Christian Nationalism is a worse threat to humanity than climate change. We're watching a comedy turned into a farce.