I hate niggers.
i hate jews too though.
we did. we tried standing up to the jew during ww2, but the jew turned white man against white man, then after the war, they created a mountain of lies about us (holocaust, hitler is evil, nazis were evil, etc).
the jews won't stop until there's a one world government and whites have been race-mixed into a one mud race.
again, more jewish lies. free your mind.
shave your shitty gengis khan facial hair you faggy sounding faggot.
wow. someone's mad with power. if you ban him then you're no better than jewtube or jewddit.
that's right, simp. keep suckin' dat dick and you might get censorship privileges from daddy.
delete my posts then, jew lover.
random question. If you were a contestant on Survivor, do you think you could win the whole thing?