>Most BVs are long time bakers, all the new BVs are bakers
maybe one of 'em could deign to post notables so far for this bread?
we WAY past the "notables at 300 or out of the kitchen" point, or is that rule subject to BO whim, too?
>What would the value of the board be these days?
anon remembers when an 8ft 2x4 was 79ยข, wasn't from the center of the tree, and it had zero knots in it
anyone tried buying construction mat'ls lately?
>one poster isn't worth the board
that post is not a threat to the board
no notables were deleted by that poster
the ONLY threat to the board is censorship
and those who attempt to rationalize it
one Bored Vermin, or 6 million of 'em
isn't worth the board
>Hitler wanted to level Naples, Paris, and many other cities.
SAUCE, or TOTAL BULLSHIT from a horrible hateful hooknose mongrel
>just because something is technically legal doesn't mean it won't get twisted
i get your point, and i empathize
but the "danger" is limited to lawfare
facts and truth are on your side
and the climate in gov't has certainly changed since the 8chan "hearings"
doubt that shit like that would fly a second time around
>kyle just put a lien
yupโฆ sue someone and win, and the joke is on you
that's when you find out that the court washes it's hands of the case as soon as the verdict is handed down
there is NO automatic legal mechanism to enforce payment of damages in a civil suit
how can that be?
not my story
i merely commented on the actual state of affairs with regard to civil judgements
having been burned myself
no payment
except the one i had to hand over to my lawyers
>You, sir, are what many call a "Keister Corker"
nobody uses that retarded expression but you, jethro
wtaf does it even mean?
the explanation is probly more retarded than the expression
>What do you think ought to be done?
maybe you should stop replying to obvious shills and prolonging their slides?
'preciate the opportunity for meaningful and decorous exchages with BO
but c'mon manโฆ you knowโฆ if i can spot a shill, i expect you would have spotted him first
>Can never figure out why anons care who BO talks to
well, all the BV deletions were "rationalized" as needed to prevent bread gobbling
but many of your exchanges tonite in this bread strike me as meaningless bread gobbling
just trying to achieve consistent interpretations of the rationalizations
>That's Tranime, a complete nuisance
but if trannieanime assfuck is banished, can we stop talking about it?
aksing for a frenโฆ..
anon voted for DJT in 2016 and 2020
but never changed voter registration from decades ago
glad i didn't, bcs DJT has a lock on rep nom
but anons like me can make sure that POTATO is the dem choice
>Biden's SPR Election Gimmick Undercut National Security
so can anyone 'splain why gas prices have been steadily dropping for the past couple months?
now below $3/gal not far from anon, and continuing to drop every week
>if he or anybody does the right stuff when baking, they can bake. That's fair.
anyone baking this bread?
NASA and NOAA now agree: A full halo CME is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field this weekend. Its arrival probably during the late hours of Nov. 5th could spark a G2-class geomagnetic storm with auroras in northern Europe, Canada and US states from New York to Oregon.
This is an AI Free Zone! Text created by ChatGPT and other Large Language Models is spreading rapidly across the Internet. It's well-written, artificial, frequently inaccurate. If you find a mistake on Spaceweather.com, rest assured it was made by a real human being.
GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G2): NASA and NOAA now agree: A full halo CME is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field this weekend. Its arrival probably during the late hours of Nov. 5th could spark a G2-class geomagnetic storm with auroras in northern Europe, Canada and US states from New York to Oregon. The CME was hurled in our direction on Nov. 3rd by a complex eruption of solar magnetic filaments. SOHO corographraphs recorded this movie of the cloud leaving the sun. Not shown are two to three other CMEs, which left the sun just before and just after the halo event. Analysts had to untangle multiple CMEs to produce a forecast. To get a sense of the uncertainties, compare the NASA model to the NOAA model. Predicted arrival times range from 1200 UT on Nov. 5th to 0000 UT on Nov. 6th, with NASA favoring earlier, NOAA later.
Either way, high-latitude auroras are possible on the night of Nov. 5-6. Submit your pictures here.
>It abuses the users of the breads.
don't forget to mention the relentless divisionfagging, boomer bashing, Christian shaming, etc etc etc
>Ever consider that?
so it's ok 'cuz only a nigger can use the word nigger and only a kike can use the word kike?
remind me, who uses muh joos?
>what you call knowledge
>is mostly lies.
i knowledge you're a divisionshill
and dat's de troof
later, faggots