Anonymous ID: 65c1e4 July 1, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.1986410   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q Anon Phenom Anon Taking Place — The Q Anon matter we broached back in May is no longer a matter of whispers and is starting to become a bit of a phenomenon. People are wearing Q shirts to political rallies and obscure references are being placed in website comments.


Even Curt Shilling is chiming in.


“Q” is allegedly a high ranking insider in the Trump administration. Maybe even DJT, himself, according to some.


“Anon” refers to the “anons” who post anonymously on 8Chan seeking to defend Q and decode his often cryptic messages.


The front-row seat can be found at


We have to warn you, it’s not “normie”– i.e. normal people — friendly. Words like “faggot” and “nigger” are used frequently albeit