Anonymous ID: cb7317 July 1, 2018, 11:47 a.m. No.1986860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6966

I am to the point where all Never Trumpers must be the following:


1) Directly on the payroll of the Cabal.

2) Engaged in outright corruption.

3) Committed Acts of Treason.

4) Pedophiles engaged in violent crimes against children.

5) Pedovore luciferians engaged in child cannibalism, or cannibalism generally.

6) All of the above.


I can't find any other viable explanation for the Never Trump movement. Obviously if 1-6 above they have everything to lose, and everything to hide, from DC to Hollywood to Europe to the entire Prog Movement. They all knew if she lost and then if the Witch Hunt failed they would lose it all and go to Jail do not pass GO.


Nothing else explains for Never Trump. There is no real ideology behind that movement otherwise.