Anonymous ID: 3bc96a Nov. 5, 2023, 12:56 a.m. No.19863806   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3810 >>3812 >>3816


name a subject

and there will be a specialist anon taking on that task

if you want to know about a specific subject

go to and type in the topic.

if you have not noticed we have been in WW3 for the past 4 years and it is ramping up from all vectors.


Anonymous ID: 3bc96a Nov. 5, 2023, 1:11 a.m. No.19863818   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3824


anon also archived these links below on depopulation figures from deagal


deagal depopulaion figures and archives.

Anonymous ID: 3bc96a Nov. 5, 2023, 1:18 a.m. No.19863826   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3830 >>3833 >>3839 >>3848 >>3872


what Q stated in long form was to cement the whole topic so people who thought they knew and were classed as fringe conspiracy theorist had a better idea of how things were being controlled.

we could see things were wrong but could not articulate our findings.

What Q also stated many many times was a way to take that info learned and put it into meme form.

Why memes?

lies need library's of words.

True needs just facts.

example image cap for those learning discernment for the first time.

Always be willing to learn.

you can learn something is wrong

and you can learn something that is right

you can also learn something useful and spot complete waste of time topics.

p.s this is not anons screencap .

stolen and archived from another anon.

Anonymous ID: 3bc96a Nov. 5, 2023, 1:29 a.m. No.19863863   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3865 >>3931


see this is a simple attack on trump

very low iq shill

must be paid in noodles only

will have to work harder for chicken dust flavourings.

keep it up shill boi

maybe you will get that shiny silver packet of dust after 24 hours of faggot behaviour.

Trump right now is the only one working day and night and getting attacked from everywhere.

Does that mean anons should trust him 100%

no but 90% is acceptable.

Anonymous ID: 3bc96a Nov. 5, 2023, 1:56 a.m. No.19863914   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3922 >>3976


well anon is thankful for Q emerging

even if it was a psyop

What anons learned was way beyond priceless.

now anon has set himself free from his own mindcage.

The rest anon will leave to God.

This anon was never religious but had studied many religions and cults.

mainly because anon was curious in nature.

crashed and burned many times.

mostly self inflicted.

now anon can believe that anon has a soul that is not his to protect.

been around death and it is a visible state when someone dies and their life force leaves them.

Anon is here to protect the children and that includes those who are childlike and innocent.

those who have committed heinous crimes will have to atone for their crimes.

important distinction anon made about the 7 deadly sins. those that lead to self destruction.

when you study them and think of them as demons in their own individual urges it is easier to control them.

All things in moderation.

In God We Trust.


Anonymous ID: 3bc96a Nov. 5, 2023, 1:16 a.m. No.19863984   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3992


see that is funny amongst frens

but hose who like to insult you will say only


that is when a swift right hander generally stops that shit.

seriously, anon understands and is not offended.

p.s that was not a threat that was a explanation of when sarcasm can be weaponized to undermine.

words can be weapons and could ruin somones day.

Anon has metal armour against those things and use it irl.

Anonymous ID: 3bc96a Nov. 5, 2023, 1:32 a.m. No.19864010   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



anon used to go out drinking with a group of frens and they were all at the top of their game.

the banter was brutal but amongst us.

woe betide anyone else who tried that shit if they were a outsider breaking into conversation.

most ex army and heads of their own companies.

anon was mostly middle managemet and lower on the pay scale.

they are still stuck in their own rat race hanster wheel and think anon is a conspiracy nut.

but anon will now never pay taxes again.

live below the tax threshold and donate muh time here plus offer muh skills and life experience for free or in exchange for frenship.

As Jesus said. Give Caesar what is his due.

muh time is not tax deductible

Anonymous ID: 3bc96a Nov. 5, 2023, 1:51 a.m. No.19864069   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4134 >>4238


this is a good post

but love is a double edged sword.


anon wrote a whole piece about this in a blog well moar of a self written post called

The Four Red Pills

section below.


The battles we now have to fight are nuance and intricate, we need laser like precision of thought to be able to see through the stuff that is influencing us on a day to day basis.

The usual events are borne out of cause and effect, a time old truth known by many in the leverage industry, from media to politicians and spin doctors, but they also know that if you have data on individuals such as big meta data then you know what people are like and also how to use crowd control to manipulate them. It is like chess but with real people as Q says.

On a lower level this is how women control men, they are taught from almost birth that the way to get things is to manipulate the boys and men and women now, and the ultimate lottery ticket is to have a willing slave to do all the heavy lifting whilst ensuring that he serves them with unending devotion and overlooking and making excuses for all the crap behaviour, because i am women and hear me roar, (marriage, memberships, ideologies, religions etc etc) keyword LOVE) this word has been used to start and finish lives ever since language was invented ,

There are things in this world that are so hard to explain. I believe I have gotten to the bottom of almost all things that make us tick but the last subject and the start of chapter 9 of my four red pills thread I am finding the must difficult to begin and yet it is what makes the world go round LOVE.

there are so many facets to this. From personnel, romantic, lust. Passion. Greed. Validation. Patriotic. Ambition.

The word love is so much more. People have died. Betrayed. Stole. Cheated. And killed in the name of this one word. It evokes so many emotions and actions. It can inspire. Defeat. Brings despair or joy. Jealousy , Revenge.

In the right hands it is more powerful than any super power. In the wrong hands it can be used for the most destructive purposes. It is the one thing we all long for but it is a double edged sword. Which can kill a opponent or yourself. Through strength of character or rage.

Thise who use it for leverage can command undying commitment and loyalty or sacrifice of ones own life for another.

I see this as the weapon which is the most deadly used for control and emotional blackmail and bargaining and it is firstly in the firm grasp of women.

Yet men feel and sacrifice it more without even realising it.

So where to begin?

To be continued

This has been the hardest chapter to start or try to quantify.

It is a self control or a control mechanism. It is a yearn. A ache. A everything good bad and destructive .

For now this is a good description of love by banditrants



note: right now i am just finding random videos but there will probably be better videos out there which go into better visuals and explanations, plus this is just a first draft of what i believe is the meaning of love !!!

Theory of LOVE ? words and emotions matter, the love making has been changed to sex, and then to take it further down, it has been changed to fcuking, and banging and every other horrible thing that can be attached to it.

Men who have lost faith with marriage as it has been turned into a weapon of a resourced based business and commodity, men have turned into simps and cucks, or sex starved idiots who will lie, cheat and anything to get sex. Porn is everywhere, freely available and the whole world seems to be losing its mind, all negative energy.

Child birth has been violently attacked with birth control, sex, abortion and children have been used as a resource by females who have been propped up by the state, where having a baby guarantees them privileges, divorce courts, men have been used as cash cows and blamed for everything under the sun. Now separated due to the pandemic and sex is made scarce as even if indulged, it is done under fear of being caught, All this imbalances the liquid in a human body and this will effect the children born.


Nikola Tesla and other findings of calm of frequency and water memory?

Music and frequency effect water, water carry's memories, this will include dna and sperm?

1) โ†frequency resonance in sound

Anonymous ID: 3bc96a Nov. 5, 2023, 2:17 a.m. No.19864194   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

quite the collection of shills we have on a easy Sunday morning.

filter when nessassary.

They do not want positive vibes on this board and have now resorted to porn.

They want your bodily fluids extracted to make you weak.


Anonymous ID: 3bc96a Nov. 5, 2023, 2:32 a.m. No.19864264   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


it is not complicated.

it starts with respect

without the state we would be back to a equal footing.

Anon went through the mgtow red pill.

took 6 years to finally break through.

devastating but necessary.

The whole range of the 5 steps of grief.

now, it is easier to talk about without rage.

This post may help which anon archived from another wise anon below



Beautifully written for newbies by an anon !!!


To the newbies and young people here with so many questions. You will face many truths and lies here. Many have died to bring this information to you. For centuries good people have given their lives so that this would be known to you now.

You will go through many emotions and heartache to know this truth. You would not be here were you not a truth seeker, bless you all.

First will be denial. The horrors will rock you to the core. To think that anyone could do these things will seem impossible.

Then will be anger. A fury and rage will rise in you so overwhelming it will threaten your sanity. Do not lash out. Do not become what you hate.

Next you wil ask perhaps if we ask them to stop they will. No they won't they are lost and only they can turn to the light. Some will but the worst will not.

Then it will weigh on your heart, the darkness will attempt to keep you in sadness and despair. Move past this.

Lastly you will know that each must find their own way and that by looking inside yourself, you will find a divine, magnificent, eternal soul who will be the future of humanity.

Do not darken your soul with vengeance, hatred or fear. You are the light you are seeking. You are a beautiful shining beacon that one day will know a world without war.

All paths lead to God. May yours be a joyous and kind one. That is why anons are here now. So that you and your children may live on a peaceful and beautiful earth.