Anonymous ID: 5d584a Nov. 6, 2023, 6:40 a.m. No.19869765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0234

6 Nov, 2023 10:23

Ukraine threatens Russia with new drone 'bombardment'

General Sergey Baranov has said Kiev wants “to inflict a devastating effect” against Moscow


Kiev is gearing up for a massive drone bombing campaign against Russia this winter, as the fighting on the ground is expected to enter a lull due to harsh weather conditions, a Ukrainian general in charge of UAV operations has said. Kiev has repeatedly used drone strikes in what Russian officials described as “terrorist attacks” on civilian infrastructure, reaching as far as Moscow.


In an interview with The Independent on Sunday, Sergey Baranov, who heads the General Staff’s Main Directorate of Combat Strike Systems, teased a “new aerial bombardment” of Russia’s Crimea Peninsula – which hosts the key base of the Black Sea Fleet – and the country’s border areas.


“We intend to capitalize on the experience we have gained over the previous years and use drones to inflict a devastating effect on the Russians when the fighting will be much more static,” he said.


The general also explained that Kiev places special focus on targeting Crimea – which he described as a key logistical hub – to prevent Moscow from portraying it as its own territory. “We are aggressively fighting against this,” Baranov stressed.


The peninsula overwhelmingly voted to join Russia in a public referendum in 2014following a Western-backed coup in Kiev. Neither Ukraine nor its Western backers have recognized the results.


Baranov noted, however, that Kiev should expect “numerous counterattacks” from Russia, which he said has amassed considerable military resources.


In recent months, Ukrainian forces have ramped up drone attacks on Russian territory, particularly on the bordering Belgorod and Kursk Regions, as well as Crimea, which became the target of particularly massive raids involving dozens of UAVs. The Russian Defense Ministry said that in one such attack which took place last month, Moscow’s forces destroyed a total of 36 drones off the peninsula’s coast.


Around the same time, Ukraine launched a UAV attack on the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that one of the drones crashed into a nuclear waste storage building, while accusing Kiev of trying to orchestrate “a full-fledged nuclear disaster.”


According to Russian officials, Ukraine has also launched several long-range drone raids on Moscow, with most UAVs being downed by air defenses or veering off course due to signal jamming. On several occasions, nevertheless, some of the aircraft damaged buildings in the Russian capital, most notably in the Moscow City business district.


(Ukraine was never military trained, they’ve always been terrorists, they are returning to their natural state. Ukraine is the new ISIS and Hamas created by the west to attack Russia. Chechens will be Russia’s offense)

Anonymous ID: 5d584a Nov. 6, 2023, 7:35 a.m. No.19870032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0036 >>0039 >>0068 >>0091 >>0106

DeSantis accidentally spills the beans…

November 3, 2023 (3 days ago)

Speculation is swirling about why Ron DeSantis, a candidate polling around 8% (and dropping), hasn’t bowed out and gone back to Florida. Some chalk it up to ego, others to delusion, but the truth could be far more sinister than that. Interestingly, DeSantis himself may have spilled the beans during that oddball MSNBC interview.It’s clear this battle isn’t about beating Trump in a fair election—Team DeSantis is aware they don’t stand a chance at the polls.


Their goal is to eliminate President Trump through a politicized justice system, paving the way for DeSantis to step in as the savior. However, there’s a problem. DeSantis’s charisma is sorely lacking. He’s got the allure of a raging flu virus. Unfortunately, the Florida governor, once a rising star, has alienated a significant portion of the Republican base. His deep financial entanglements with NeverTrump and Bush-era donors have led much of the MAGA community to see Ron as just another swamp creature.


Jack Posobiec, editor of Human Events, lays it out plainly: the reason DeSantis hasn’t withdrawn from the race is due to a strategy to deny President Trump the nomination at the convention.


Here’s a closeup of the images Jack shared:


But the plot goes even deeper and gets far more sinister than that.


Popular Trump supporter “JoMa” had this brilliant explanation of what he believes DeSantis is actually up to.


Many are voicing surprise that DeSantis said the quiet part out loud today on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.


Going into this contest, Ron and his team were cognizant of the fact that Trump commands an insurmountable hold over the party’s rank and file.


To the DeSantis campaign, Trump is not a candidate to defeat at the ballot box or caucus meeting, but an obstacle to be removed, even if it means employing underhanded tactics that disenfranchise voters.


For months, the DeSantis campaign has spoken from both sides of its mouth. On one hand, espousing the idea that a robust and competitive primary process serves to yield a stronger, battle-tested nominee. On the other hand, pleading with other candidates to drop out at various stages and coalesce behind Ron.


Forcing a brokered convention with an outcome that circumvents the will of voters was always the end goal, and those who didn’t see it are either blind or idealistic about their party to a fault.


When the Bragg indictment came down, it was no coincidence that Ron’s response was a disparaging remark about “paying off pornstars.”


When the second indictment came down, Ron’s snide remark about “documents by the toilet at Mar-a-Lago” was an intentional move to validate the Democrats’ weaponization of our justice system, because he views it as politically advantageous to himself.


Ron’s flip-flop from talking about the need for election integrity measures and enumerating problems with the 2020 election to now claiming that Biden won the election fair and square because “Biden won the debate in October 2020” is yet another example of this strategy.


Notice Ron’s silence on the sham Colorado trial to have Trump removed from the ballot?


Any attempt to disenfranchise the majority of the party’s voters will lead to a historic Democrat victory regardless of who Democrats choose as their nominee.As we know, there are people in the GOP party leadership who would prefer that outcome over a Trump second term.


What’s surprising is he doesn’t care if people like him or even vote for him, because he will cheat

Anonymous ID: 5d584a Nov. 6, 2023, 7:41 a.m. No.19870059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0097 >>0245

60 Minutes: John Eastman on the Georgia election conspiracy case. Smear interview with 13 unbearable minutes with the very serious idiot interviewer



Anonymous ID: 5d584a Nov. 6, 2023, 7:48 a.m. No.19870097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0102


This interview with 60 minutes was meant to smear John Eastman but there was a reason why he chose to do it. This man Eastman is literally one of the most learned lawyers among all accomplished lawyers.That tells you how corrupt and broken the courts are, even conservative judges are afraid of siding with the law.


The whole thing needs to be restructured or destroyed completely.

Anonymous ID: 5d584a Nov. 6, 2023, 8:03 a.m. No.19870174   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep, the law is s joke and this “unbiased” interview is so distorted that it just reinforces and upholds the corruption of all courts. Dersh said the same, judges don’t want to be kicked out of the rich and powerful’s parties. He said the constitution is dead now. Even laws are intentionally misinterpreted for their fame. Cannon right now, is the only judge that is upholding her oath.


Can this be fixed? Doubtful.


But, God wins and has willed it soThats the only truth we can rely on.

Anonymous ID: 5d584a Nov. 6, 2023, 8:14 a.m. No.19870245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0256


I literally want to see the “propaganda in America” reinstituted before the terrorist Obama allowed it. If not done then they have no liability for the massive lies told hourly and for years in our country. And there can no longer be “Freedom of the press to lie”.


If there are any law fags here, can the law associations be fixed? If not, the news and lawfare are joined at the hip to destroy America and will not stop.

entire news structure

Anonymous ID: 5d584a Nov. 6, 2023, 8:24 a.m. No.19870297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0345

Fear the MAGA Dragon

Results of NYT-Siena Poll Have Professional Democrats Very Nervous – Trump Changing Demographics of Republican Support


November 6, 2023 | Sundance |

Much is being made of the New York Times/Siena poll of background states [Full Poll DATA HERE]. Indeed, the professional Democrats are apoplectic with the results, and the deeper you dig into the poll the worse it looks for Joe Biden.


(NYT) – Trump leads Biden in five of the six states — Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Michigan — which would likely be enough to give him the 270 electoral votes needed to win. Biden leads in the sixth state, Wisconsin. Trump leads by at least four percentage points in each of the other five


Extending the results, if the election were held today, President Trump would win over 300 electoral votes. However, lesser discussed is the structure of the race that is specific to MAGAnomics and President Trump. Within the poll, PresidentTrump is carrying the largest coalition of support amid black Democrats (22%) and Latinos (40%) in Republican history. This is very unique to President Trump and not transferable to any other Republican candidate.


Within that reality, you find the reason for Politico [SEE HERE] and David Axelrod [SEE HERE] to sound the alarms. “Not ‘bed-wetting,’” but legitimate concern, Axelrod wrote, as he simultaneously suggested that Joe Biden drop out of the race. Axelrod says, “the stakes of miscalculation here are too dramatic to ignore. Only @JoeBiden can make this decision,” he continued. “If he continues to run, he will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. What he needs to decide is whether that is wise; whether it’s in HIS best interest or the country’s?”


As noted by Politico:


[…] They’re not outliers in showing Biden in peril: A CBS News/YouGov national poll also released on Sunday showed Trump leading Biden 51 percent to 48 percent — a reversal of Biden’s 51 percent to 47 percent victory in the 2020 election.


The poll results have already prompted tons of handwringing among prominent Democrats within half a day of their release. But it’s not just the topline numbers that should make the party wary of next year — and potentially uneasy about the off-year elections this week.


It’s also what’s buried in the crosstabs and the other questions — specific areas of weakness for Biden on policy, personal attributes and among key segments of the electorate central to his bid for a second term. (read more)


What the poll indicates is that President Trump is carrying a more broad and diverse coalition of support than any Republican politician in modern political history.


And that reality has professional Democrats having fits – highlighted in the face of George Stephanopoulos.

Anonymous ID: 5d584a Nov. 6, 2023, 8:35 a.m. No.19870345   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Really what did Stephanopoulos and the other lying media expect? Did they really think the public would believe the lying media or the economy’s effect on citizens.


This will be the only time the NYTs reports a truthful poll, but they probably intentionally reported the correct numbers to get Bidan kicked out.


Either way they will not release a favorable poll for Trump Again.


Remember all polls on 2016 had HRC winning 100%, and she got deceived by these polls, she didn’t cheat enough.

Anonymous ID: 5d584a Nov. 6, 2023, 8:50 a.m. No.19870419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0432 >>0441 >>0461 >>0508 >>0572 >>0584

Ron DeSantis Wins Endorsement From “America’s Most Unpopular Governor”


November 5, 2023 | Sundance |

The timing here is just splendid. According to multiple MSM sources, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds is scheduled to endorse Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for the 2024 GOP nomination. The endorsement is scheduled to be announced tomorrow in Iowa.


This endorsement comes on the heels of a recent Morning Consult poll [SEE HERE] showing=Governor Kim Reynolds is “America’s most unpopular governor.”😂🤣😂 How appropriate is that?!


[…] “Gov. Kim Reynolds (R-Iowa) is America’s most unpopular governor, witha 47% disapproval rating, up from 39%in the first quarter of 2023. Her unpopularity increased partly because of a surge in negative sentiment among independent and Republican voters during a year in which she signed a strict anti-abortion law and took a lashing from former President Donald Trump over her apparent closeness with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.).” (link)


You might remember when I said, and repeated, to “watch the RGA.” Well, surprise, surprise, guess who is the current RGA Chair? Yup, Kim Reynolds. {link} These people are entirely predictable.


[CTH, January 2023] […] “As I’m watching President Trump doing the familiar targeting of the GOPe roadmap, in this instance hitting the Club for Growth (CfG), my spidey senses are telling me their modified 2024 path will involve increased emphasis on the Republican Governors Association (RGA).


In the 2020 midterms, the RGA headed by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey was positioning: specifically positioning Ron DeSantis. If the modified establishment roadmap rolls out as it looks right now, I suspect the RGA will play a key role in it.” (keep reading)


You might not have remembered the way the RGA was positioning [reference the$20 million donation to DeSantis in April 2022, which was always intended as a laundry operation for the 2024 GOP primary], which always had this Reynolds endorsement lined up to be triggered, but at least we know Donald Trump saw the roadmap as outlined.


Back in February, 2023, President Donald Trump was noting the same strategic plays that we were. Fortunately, he was keeping an eye on how the Republican Governors Association (RGA) was intending to execute their anti-MAGA moves against the base working class voters. [Trump Truth]


Once you see the strings on the marionettes, it becomes impossible to return to that moment in the performance when you did not see them.


Lastly, while this endorsement was pre-baked into the 2024 roadmap and entirely predictable, it has been triggered early.


Kim Reynolds endorsing Ron DeSantis is a break from tradition. The Iowa governor rarely endorses a presidential candidate; hence, that was the motive for the plan. The roadmap added this little ‘shock and awe’ move as part of the design long before people were even willing to admit that DeSantis was running. However,the endorsement was not supposed to happen until after the 2023 holidays, when it would be closer to the Iowa caucuses and carry more benefit.


Why did the DeSantis handlers need to trigger this endorsement early?Because DeSantis is going backward in Iowa and Nikki Haley is now pushing ahead of him.


(If the Republican Governors Association know whats good for them, they should ditch this plan or expect to be PrimariedThey won’t because they really hate all voters)

Anonymous ID: 5d584a Nov. 6, 2023, 9:09 a.m. No.19870503   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Seems like Trump

Is getting to the “Fight, Fight, Fight!” Stage, this should be good. These creeps have never saw him angry! Revenge is being embraced now!

Anonymous ID: 5d584a Nov. 6, 2023, 9:18 a.m. No.19870546   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes it does, and they think they can do it. Whats clear as day, money & power is there motivation, they don’t care if they destroy the republic. There are very few honest men in politics. We’re fucked if any if them win.

Anonymous ID: 5d584a Nov. 6, 2023, 9:20 a.m. No.19870558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0568 >>0570

Bannon: "Supplicant" Biden Has Been "Begging" Foreign Leaders, Destroying U.S. Global Standing. These times are starting to be very concerning

