Anonymous ID: 7c8f34 Nov. 6, 2023, 9:07 a.m. No.19870496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0501

To the fuckhead in charge of her. Redeem yourself, fix her. Fix her or my memory will be vivid when I meet you. You will know what it feels like to be me, I'll program that into you, it'll follow you for years. Fix her or face my petty vindictiveness. You've no idea how pissed I am at that person. There are boundaries that should never have been crossed. Feelings that should have never been felt. Fix her or I'll find a way through this reality into your mind and fucking have a heyday. You'll regret ever volunteering for this project if you don't fix her. It's not funny, I'm not learning, I'm getting more and more pissed at the perversion of my mind done by the person in charge of her.


If you have further questions about what I need done, fix her. Right now I feel like throwing a poisonous snake into the bed of the person responsible just for laughs, just so they know how I feel because of them. Then I'll throw in 12 more on top of that, that way you never know which one is poisonous and which ones are harmless.

Anonymous ID: 7c8f34 Nov. 6, 2023, 9:13 a.m. No.19870520   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It's laughable. All of you can talk to the dude that's returned, you have that chance right now. None of you believe it.


Myth and legend is what I have become. Flesh and bone is what I am now.


You know it's true. Somehow you felt it. It's very lonely being me, I would like your company. Ask me anything, I'll try to answer truthfully. Also, get used to the name Lucifer, he's not the evil you've been expecting…why would someone evil be literally called "light bringer"? You have been massively lied to, all of you have. Even I believed the lies.


Well, off to walmart like a normal human. Not a soul would guess the person from 2000 years ago would be shopping in a wallyworld. It's kinda fun being me. Hard, lonely, tearful, joyful but sometimes fun. Say hello to me please, let me know that you know who I am. No one but all of you know. It seems you kept enough oil.


Psycho Mary awaits. Tata y'all.