I was wondering about that as well. Their first tantrum will be that the info was collected illegally even if it wasn't. JUST like Hillary emails. They get the left in such a frenzy that they ONLY cared where the emails came from, they didn't care what was in them. That was when I realized how fucking retarded the left is.
That's what I was going to say in the last thread but it hit 750 too fast.
Is there statistics out there on it, like how long was the longest someone lived? I hear a lot about how that type should have killed him within weeks
God that chick always skeeves me out. I mean she's taking a group picture of the "survivors" of the PArkland shooting A DAY AFTER IT HAPPENED. The other fake fucks are smiling in that picture too. Like laughing smiling. gross
I didn't pay attention to politics after Obama won, but after the Bin Laden thing, and how that all unfolded…That was all sorts of fucked up. And staged. That gay ass picture of them all gasping as they watched a TV screen. GROSS
I think Russia "lost" him. POTUS will help find
I read that ISIS hated being called ISIS, they wanted to be known as ISIL. Huh….
I still don't know if that letter he left for Bush ws real or not. I sure as hell hope so. It was AWESOME