It broke just the other day. It was bound to break at some point and every realanon knew it. Who knew it would be Israel that was the trigger, the straw which broke the camel's back? And just like that, in the blink of an eye, it broke.
Let me go back to set the stage before that triggering even. Life was great for the internal enemy, things were going their way. They were on their normal 'roll saying the Republicans were in a civil war with themselves. All was good in the enemy came, Media was happy.
Then the break came. It's the opposite of the track which media had been on for years. It's not the Republican party which is in war. Nope, it's the dems. And their controlled media along with them. Yep, It's Biblical. Those who laid the trap fell into it themselves. Life for the dems, rino's and the media will never be the same again.
It's over for them. The only thing they have left is to throw the biggest tantrum in world history. And here we realanons sit, in the front row.