Anonymous ID: 862363 Nov. 6, 2023, 8:22 p.m. No.19873904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4023



Fox - November 6, 2023

Saturnian equinox Sept 09; next expected May 6, 25

>2009-2025 15 yrs 8 mos, May 2025 just after end Q1 2025

>End Q1 would've been last opportunity to stop their 16-yr plan

Saturn's huge rings seemingly disappear into an almost invisible line.

>beginning of May will be end of POTUS first 5mos after wins election

>Satan's rings (of power) (pedo rings, crime rings, etc.) now out of WH

Saturn, the solar system's second-largest planet, is famous for its rings

>Saturn is associated with Satan who has many ranks of angels with him

>Satan was 2nd fallen leader to interact w/ Mankind after 200 fallen Watchers