Anonymous ID: 9f92e5 Nov. 6, 2023, 8:29 p.m. No.19873930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3936 >>3982


[They] really invented it after the fact.

those are work camps

russians went in and added "chimneys" after it was over.

NatSoc on trial made up preposterous stories that aren't physically possible.

Elie Weisel admitted he was never in a concentration camp.

No gorillions of ded bodies were ever found.

Zyklon B is a delousing chemical still used on US Submarines today.

Those who died, mostly died of Typhus (Zyklon B was to prevent that)

The "gas chambers" had windows and wooden doors.

Let's go over the math in burning all those jews.

Why tattoo those you are about to kill?

Why give them a theater, swimming pool, soccer team, infirmary, store?

They even got their own currency.


Anon believes none of it.

Its about as real as Anne Frank's diary, Sandy Hoax, and the Spaghetti Monster.