Anonymous ID: 3ec049 July 1, 2018, 1:07 p.m. No.1988022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8089




from what I understand this link Q posted was really ahead of its time.


<"Ask yourself - does Huber have the ability to file across all 50 states?

Is any of this normal?"


the answer is of course, no. This is why he needs the full power of the IG office and Sessions gave him that. Huber is just the prosecuter, he needs to build and prosecute the criminal cases in the most full proof and professional manner and bring indictments. The bureaucratic power he has stems directly from Sessions' authority and the investigating man power comes from IG Horowitz's office.


<"Would a 2nd SC take years to complete?

Would a 2nd SC be based in corrupt DC?

Would the grand jury be members of the DC community?

What % of DC voted for HRC?

How large is Mueller’s team?


Think 470."


Exactly. A second SC will never have the resources to investigate and bring indictment as quickly as the Huber & IG office (Horowitz) combination. That's why it is so brilliant.


<"Think stages.

What role can MIL INTEL play?

What role can NSA play?"


These ones are tricky.

First MIL INTEL had to be used to protect potus before the NSA could be completely cleaned. He needed a reliable and loyal source to keep him insulated and help construct and execute the first stages of the plan.

Also I think the MIL INTEL will bring the data that comes from military origins, such as Hussein's corruption in Iraq, Benghazi, NATO corruption, systematic weakening of the US military, opioid trade in Afghanistan etc. (all using the MILITARY sources, sigint, humint etc).


NSA has all the mobile and private email comms. They will bring the evidence for pedophilia, conspiracy against potus, assasination threats, misshandling and selling SAPs, and the criminal connection to the global elites.

Anonymous ID: 3ec049 July 1, 2018, 1:12 p.m. No.1988081   🗄️.is 🔗kun




from what I understand this link Q posted was really ahead of its time.


<"Ask yourself - does Huber have the ability to file across all 50 states?

<Is any of this normal?"


the answer is of course, no. This is why he needs the full power of the IG office and Sessions gave him that. Huber is just the prosecuter, he needs to build and prosecute the criminal cases in the most full proof and professional manner and bring indictments. The bureaucratic power he has stems directly from Sessions' authority and the investigating man power comes from IG Horowitz's office.


<"Would a 2nd SC take years to complete?

<Would a 2nd SC be based in corrupt DC?

<Would the grand jury be members of the DC community?

<What % of DC voted for HRC?

<How large is Mueller’s team?


<Think 470."


Exactly. A second SC will never have the resources to investigate and bring indictment as quickly as the Huber & IG office (Horowitz) combination. That's why it is so brilliant.


<"Think stages.

<What role can MIL INTEL play?

<What role can NSA play?"


These ones are tricky.

First MIL INTEL had to be used to protect potus before the NSA could be completely cleaned. He needed a reliable and loyal source to keep him insulated and help construct and execute the first stages of the plan.

Also I think the MIL INTEL will bring the data that comes from military origins, such as Hussein's corruption in Iraq, Benghazi, NATO corruption, systematic weakening of the US military, opioid trade in Afghanistan etc. (all using the MILITARY sources, sigint, humint etc).


NSA has all the mobile and private email comms. They will bring the evidence for pedophilia, conspiracy against potus, assasination threats, misshandling and selling SAPs, and the criminal connection to the global elites.

Anonymous ID: 3ec049 July 1, 2018, 1:34 p.m. No.1988378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8477 >>8486



Israel is very complicated. There is an ongiong struggle there against the deep state and Soros influence.


Deep state sits hard there in all levels of bureaucracy including the supreme court which is more powerful than the parliament and acts as a dictator inside the state.


I believe the "deal of the century" between Israel Palestinian arabs and arab countries including the cleanup of Israeli deep state is what Q meant.


Why last? Because first Iran must be neutralized and probably Pakistan afterwards, the stage must be set on many levels.

Anonymous ID: 3ec049 July 1, 2018, 1:38 p.m. No.1988447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8521



It is ok to have different opinions, but as long as the main unifying value is freedom. When one group wishes to take the freedom away that is when the group must be stopped. We hould be unified as SLAVES WHO WISH TO HAVE THEIR FREEDOM BACK. The freedom to do good for our world and to live privately in dignity, each according to his own world view.

Anonymous ID: 3ec049 July 1, 2018, 1:47 p.m. No.1988544   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I was talking about an internal struggle inside Israel, many are waking up yet the deep state's hold over the Israeli AG office and Supreme court (+Israeli fake news MSM) makes the parliament unable to pass hard laws and undo this fuckery.


You must understand, whether or not the global elites are jewish, it has nothing to do with the average Israeli, they are slaves to them like all others.

Anonymous ID: 3ec049 July 1, 2018, 1:51 p.m. No.1988591   🗄️.is 🔗kun



More division tactics.


lets pick a group that is easy to hate and lets divide.

The problem is the deep state that has jewish people on top (most of them are not jewish in the religious manner anyway as they are part of their little cult).