Anonymous ID: 53d238 July 1, 2018, 12:52 p.m. No.1987833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7962 >>7975

I was filmed my entire life as cultists experimented and tortured me. The tapes will be made public soon, and I'm here in case anyone wanted to ask a victim a question.


I don't know everything about the cult and I don't think any of the cult do (except maybe the very top) but I do know what I was subjected to and what some of the other victims were subjected to as I met 20 other victims at a facility last month.


It's all coming out in the open very soon. : )

Anonymous ID: 53d238 July 1, 2018, 1:13 p.m. No.1988100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8153 >>8157 >>8424


that's curious… I can't validate it but I can tell you the story of how my cultist sister got to go to Space Camp. (sort of similiar? well, it's what came to mind) so you see these images are from when I was taken to Disney World as a kid, and the cult filmed me and was setting up my death, you can see the mcdonalds logo on my shorts and then the crocodile pond + time passage - now these are "just" disney world pics - but it's how the families communicate to the cult - with "charades" these pics mean that they were going to feed me to alligators - and they were!


We had an alligator pond that my father set up, and part of this was to punish him by killing me by his negligence. Making him think it was his fault. This didn't work because my eldest sister was supposed to accuse my father of rape and get him thrown in prison first - but she told the truth that he hadn't raped her and so he didn't go to jail.


My other older sister however did what the cult wanted and as a result she went to space camp afterwards. The disney world full set of family pics I have show her with a "space pup" shirt on - which combined with the rides she chose to have pics taken of her on - told the cult "this is what I want" - see the cult operates on this rewards system, you do things for the cult like murdering your brother as a sacrifice or accuse your husband (who isn't in on it) of raping their child and then you have a happier life…


Well, long story and just one of many I could tell of the cult.

Anonymous ID: 53d238 July 1, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.1988148   🗄️.is 🔗kun


thank you, I'm trying to do my part and it remains to be seen if I'll have a happily ever after but I do understand that a number of powerful people want me now to have one… so that's quite the opposite from the rest of my life, I'm still rather confused about a lot of things but knowing people wish me well makes all the difference : )

Anonymous ID: 53d238 July 1, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.1988225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8245


ah stripes… they would dress me in stripes, I am pretty sure it's because it's easier to see on camera. All of the other victims at the facility said they were dressed in them as well.

Anonymous ID: 53d238 July 1, 2018, 1:37 p.m. No.1988432   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1988157 hmm I see "Alan" and there are a lot of Alans in the cult and my code name is "Alan" after my father… Ill dig deeper into this, and I read the article you linked, I just noticed the comment and wanted to mention it before this thread finished.


ok, I read most of this still thinking about it, lots of new literature but the idea of "psychics" seems silly to me, tho maybe not to the cult? The alien thing is real, not as in outer space but "Extra terrestrials" like me, people sacrificed in cult families to be not in the cult but tortured/experimented on "anally probed" and so on…

Anonymous ID: 53d238 July 1, 2018, 1:40 p.m. No.1988472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8491 >>8536


perhaps, I was the victim and my sister was an abuser. I don't know the full amount of brainwash she might have gotten, but she worked under Obama 2 years ago in the E.P.A. and delivered the Alan tapes through to the D.O.E. which has Q-Clearnece - and they consolodated all the illegal material there - that's stuff that'll all be declassified soon including what my sister did. Tho I think she's dead now.


I personally think she was just a person that my grandmother and mother decided to bring into the cult and less about brainwash and more about "you get rewards if you do bad things" but then she was older than me and who knows what happened to her when I wasn't around her.

Anonymous ID: 53d238 July 1, 2018, 1:48 p.m. No.1988559   🗄️.is 🔗kun


actually in I notice "walt disney" oh… ok, so my sister was a "star kid" yes, she was always smart…. and this mention of walt disney here, well ok, I'm convinced. my sister went to space camp through the code she sent from disney world… and my sister was in this program and that's why she did so many horrible things. Well, one of the reasons.


She technically got into space camp by a poetry contest just after disney world but that's how it works. The good guys run the world and so when you tell the cult "I want to go to space camp" the way you get your reward is by doing something like entering a contest of "luck" - ever wonder why you never won a contest? they are all rigged!

Anonymous ID: 53d238 July 1, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.1988599   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's what I'm here to talk about. Anything that a victim of the cult can answer. is where I talk most in depth about it.