Anonymous ID: 64eda5 July 1, 2018, 1:30 p.m. No.1988336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8353 >>8397 >>8436


>So magic is just placebo? If you believe hard enough it works? Or did I get that wrong?


Magic occurs when thoughts become things by unknown processes.


The power of these manifestations are directly proportional to the collective belief in them.


For example, a US $100 bill in your pocket has the power to transform your future, but that power is entirely dependent on “human belief.” Outside that belief system, it is merely paper with no intrinsic value other than perhaps when used to wipe your ass.


The biggest LIE ever told is that magic doesn’t exist. Acceptance of such falsehood renders believers blind to the occulted intent of those “-ocrats” who wish to enslave us.

Anonymous ID: 64eda5 July 1, 2018, 1:38 p.m. No.1988441   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Ah, so they pushed all of the "magic is fiction" just so they could keep it for themselves. I imagine the thought of it leaking out to us "peasants" keeps them up at night.




As I said before, "Magic occurs when thoughts become things by unknown processes." Once we know the "unknown processes" and their causes, it is no longer "magic." They don't want us investigating the "unknown causes" and thus attack as as "conspiracy theorists" when we investigate. They want us to shut up and accept their magic.