God Bless you!!!
Can you validate the following is worth further research?
STAR GATE Gatekeeper: Lieut. General James R. Clapper
Lt. Gen Clapper, in his capacity as the head of the DIA in the early to mid 1990s, was directly involved in the DIA’s response to a briefing request about the psychic spy program from then Deputy Secretary of Defense William J. Perry, and John M. Deutsch, who became the Director of Central Intelligence at the CIA.
Months after Deutsch was handed control of the CIA in May 1995, the psychic spy operation under Clapper at the DIA, named STAR GATE, was transferred from the DIA to CIA, following a Congressionally Directed Action order.
Then Deputy Secretary of Defense William J. Perry and Deutsch asked DIA to be briefed on STAR GATE, the gatekeeper and briefer was Lt. Gen. James R. Clapper.[54] Clapper was Graff’s DIA/ATG boss that took over the Space Kids Project from Puharich in 1978.