Your ignorance (((glows))).
If you are going to refer me to wkipedia you have a already lost.
If you want real understanding of the torah, I suggest you read it, or at least listen to the attached as it relates to scripture. This is our old friend Roseanne discussing many things. Among those are realizing one has made a mistake, and repentance and atonement. These are not the "new" Hollywood Jews of which she speaks.
Can you open your mind longe enough to at least hear it?
I am not going to argue with you. All I asked was whether or not you had the open mindedness to listen.
Your facts, as you call them, are biased.
Yes, there where different tribes of Jews, that does not mean that "all Jews" support any one idea that another had or has.
It is the same as with christian sects.
I personally don't car about the tribes, because we ALL originate from a tribe.
What concerns me is the idea that ALL JEWS are responsible for ALL the world's ills.