>>1987141 (lb)
>>>1987123 (You) DONT TOUCH THE Q
>>1987191 (lb)
>Israel boosts military presence with ‘armor & artillery’ troops in Golan Heights
SO, what's the deal…gonna let the KIKES steal the Golan Heights for Greater Israel while making Europe uninhabitable for EuroJews….then begging them to "come home it's safe here" so they increase their pop, need moar lands….so…we gonna let them rob Syria in exchange for stopping their world-wide blackmail operations?
Ruining the world for their own idiocy, JEWISH SUPREMACY is a thing.
For what they have done to the world, may God strike them where they live.
>>1987743 (lb)
>Hadn't even considered the Arab Spring
There was a meeting in Joberg during the Egyptian uprising to decide who was going to replace Mubarak..they chose the ex CIA rube CISI (sp)…don't ask me how I know this.
I had two minds on this…one Mubarak was getting dangerous and had to go therefore an uprising was permitted, or Uprising organic but "election" or people's choice was not really theirs..or a little bit of both.
There was heavy HEAVY pushing towards the CIA guy…and there were a lot of "kill Israel" rallies as well, most not reported..saw one with over 250k people (est)..this seemed to give the "folks" at the Joberg meeting reason enough to "choose the leader" for Egypt. That's all I know.
I'm gonna repost this because the "sainted" Scalia died here, and because of the sheer amount of unsealed indictments in TX…ya'll know Scalia was not an innocent soul…right?
What was HE doing at the ranch? Let's say his family was strongly "advised" NOT to pursue an autopsy or embarrassing circumstances….may be revealed. He was 187'd tho. He wasn't dying on his own fast enough to secure the Clinton/Lynch deal.
real sauce from insider ,,,