There better be an Ace in the Hole coming soon for team Anon… logically, no dem should win one single race anywhere. Same for neocon RINO repubs… the propaganda/war machine is in overdrive.. the info to know and be educated is out there yet we still have normies shelling out $2B in ticket/merch sales for the satanic T swift tour along with completely doing a 180° and having a hard-on for the NFL bc she’s with her new Pfizer boyfriend, playing literally every game in primetime, after boycotting that same org a year ago.. we got record credit card debt, war in every corner of the world, blatant bias in the media, witch hunt on trump in the courts, so on and so forth and other mainstream fads that are pushed down our throats daily, while these same crooks keep themselves in office and become multimillionaires while cranking our taxes and telling us to cut back.. anon tired of it
I just don’t see how kings and queens were beheaded in the town square back in the day but yet we can’t even remove our dirty elected officials in an “election” present day… that lost NPC count gotta be higher than 4-6%.. ready for change .. Jesus help us.. Acts 20:24