>mere moments before this post was made
you are really one fucked in the head individual
i truly mean that
sure you didn't
it's okay, they mostly forgot anyway
nice try anjel, i can see your bullshit from here buddy
his son's name is elijah and is 20-21 years old you fucking retard
water muddying faggot
you're so low rent you're really not worth responding to but i enjoy making you waste your time fool absolutely nobody
have fun trying to sell your shitty article to newsweek you trash Bitch
>may 12, 2019
you stupid ass bitch
>dec 8, 2018
you stupid ass bitch
fuck mossad
mossad would do exactly what you're doing and that is poisoning the well you son of a toothless bitch
>hurrrr durrrrr qanons believe sam bankman is the same guy as elijah schiff, adam schiff's son
>hurrrr derpy derp durrrrrrr
>now let's roll out side by side proof they're two different people in two different places at the exact same time
>derpy derpiddy derp dah!
go ask your doctor is suicide is right for you
anjel loves red text and emojis along with ip hopping and has also used facebook img filenames
all of which displayed this bread
just who i believe it is
also namefagged plenty of times including the use of osiris
sometimes he does sometimes he doesn't
he's currently running a dinsinfo angle right now though